
Monday, February 12, 2007

MotherReader Comes Back From New York City And Takes A Long Nap

I really wanted to give you the full scoop on the kidlit drink night and my whole New York City experience, but I don’t think it’s going to be today. I’m very sorry, but I’m soooo tired. I got back about 6:00 p.m. last night. My mother, brother, and baby niece were in north Jersey for a visit with relatives while I was in New York City, so I rode home with them. They stayed over last night and were here this morning. I visited with them and got ready for my Girl Scout troop’s meeting. Then I had the meeting and now it’s 4:00 and I’m pooped.

I’ll tell you this: I had a great time. A really great time. I promise I’ll tell my story tomorrow (looks like it might be a snow day!), but for now get the scoop from Fuse#8, Galleycat, and Blue Rose Girls. Alvina was particularly nice, introducing me to everyone — including David Diaz. The Caldecott winner. I didn’t know he was a Caldecott winner. Or what he did at all, for that matter. Oh, and I’m in one of the pictures on her site. Recognize the shirt?

If you check back tonight, I may have a Very Special Post related to the newest Edge of the Forest edition. You won’t want to miss it.

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