
Monday, November 15, 2010

Cybils Nominees ABC Giveaway

I found that I have three wishes. I want to highlight my ABC Storytime feature, which may be particularly useful in these days of librarian cutbacks. I want to make time to review some of the many Cybils books nominated in the category of Fiction Picture Book. And I want to get rid of some of the many, many books I now have in my home as the result of being a Cybils Fiction Book panelist for three years.

It’s like the perfect storm, if the perfect storm were a good thing.

So for the next few weeks, I’m going to highlight a Cybils nominee that serves to update the ABC Storytime. Then at the end of the feature, I’m going to give away the twenty-five books (I’m skipping X) to one lucky winner. PLUS, I’m going to give away another twenty-five books to a winner for helping me spread the word about the ABC Giveaway.

Two Ways to Play:
  1. Comment on the daily posting of ABC Giveaway. You can add another picture book that begins with the letter of the day, or name your favorite of the ones listed, or make some other comment. You can comment once on each post — which will give you a better chance of winning. However, after a few days I will close comments on each post. At the end of the feature, I will pick one commenter at random and he or she will win the twenty-five reviewed books. (Remember: skipping X.)
  2. Comment on this post to win a different set of ABC Storytime books. They will not be the ones reviewed, but will be from Cybils nominated books from this or past years. You can improve your chances by adding an extra comment to this post when/if you follow my blog, tweet about the contest, or post about it on your blog. Let me break that down, since I never do it this way: Leave a comment for one entry, follow my blog for another entry, tweet about the contest for three entries, and blog about the contest for five entries. At most, you’d leave four comments, but those could count for up to ten contest entries. Again, I will pick one commenter at random and he or she will win a set of twenty-five books from A to Z. (Exception: excellent X.)
Other Rules:
  1. You do not have to be a blogger, but I must be able to find your contact information through your comment. You can set up a Google account that leads to your profile OR you can leave your email address when you comment on this post.
  2. You have supply a U.S. address to receive the books.
Things to Know:
  1. The same person cannot win both prizes.
  2. I will post every day, but will also leave extra time to comment around Thanksgiving and weekends.
  3. I reserve the right to replace a book that I reviewed with another book if necessary for purposes of Cybils judging or other contingencies.
  4. The winner will be announced and hopefully the books shipped on December 15th.
  5. The books were provided by the publishers as review copies for the Cybils awards, and will be shipped media mail by me.
  6. [Something I am forgetting to clarify that someone will surely point out to me.]
Any questions? Let’s play.

Edited to add: You do not need to have separate comments for tweeting, following, or blogging about the contest, however you do need to mention the tweeting, following or blogging in the comments for me to count it as extra entries. I'm not psychic.

Links to material on contained within this post may be affiliate links for the Amazon Associates program, for which this site may receive a referral fee.


  1. What a great idea. Neat way to reuse books you are done with.
    I am retweeting! Does that get me an extra entry?

  2. Good idea! I'd pay it forward by donating them to a library or preschool.

  3. Love this idea for sharing accumulated books. :o)

  4. Sign me up, please! Thanks for a wonderful opportunity!

  5. Wow this sounds like fun! If I could just figure out how many times I can get an entry in to win... Kidding. I'm tweeting, posting, & commenting!!

  6. You are a genius! What a great thing to do.

  7. Sign me up!! I am following, tweeting, and posting!

  8. Woo! This is great. Thanks for the opportunity to win the "motherlode"!

  9. You had me at "picture books." Thanks!

  10. A fun way to share books you have read. I'll come back for another comment when I've posted about it.

  11. Ok, I'm back! I posted about your giveaway here:

  12. Always happy to encourage abecedarianism of any kind! Thanks, Pam, for the multilayered fun--I'll post a notice on my blog from NCTE this week.

  13. This is a neat idea, Pam. I'm not usually a contest person (especially with books coming out of my ears). And yet ... I think Baby Bookworm would like these. So I'm entering!

  14. Plus I tweeted about the contest this morning, and mentioned it on my blog (as part of a literacy roundup post).

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Yay! Love books to add to the classroom! I tweeted too - anything to get my third graders excited about reading!

  17. Looking forward to your posts and for the chance to win!
    - AZ

  18. You are not only giving the books away, but also shipping them to the winner...this is so generous of you. Hope to donate these books to a local school in need!! Win or lose, I'm glad you are doing this!!!

  19. This sounds like a wonderful giveaway!


  20. I retweeted about this contest and I'm a follower. Can this comment count for two entries?

  21. Wicked Cool! I just discovered your blog through a Twitter about this contest so I already feel like I've won!

  22. Back to say I've subscribed in a reader. There were 26 comments before me. That's so cute. :)

  23. You can never have too many books!

  24. I can only imagine what an incredible collection of books you must have! Do you ever post pictures of your shelves? PS: I've been a follower for a while. Thank you for the chance to share in all of your lovely book goodies!

  25. I can't believe there aren't more people participating in this giveaway - great odds for me and my little girls!! spitard (at) yahoo (dot) com

  26. Retweeting this giveaway spitard (at) yahoo (dot) com

  27. What a great giveaway ~ Thanks for the chance to win!

    bamagv at aol dot com

  28. I am following you on Twitter. I tweeted and mentioned you in the tweet.

  29. I am following you on Twitter. I tweeted and mentioned you in the tweet. #2

    bamagv at aol dot com

  30. I am following you on Twitter. I tweeted and mentioned you in the tweet. #3

    bamagv at aol dot com

  31. I just realized I could get another entry to this b/c I am a follower on GFC

    (you'd think that for a reader, I would have read the directions more closely the first time)


  32. Count our elementary library in on this wonderful contest.---mj

  33. Fabulous idea! I am a follower, tweeted the contest, AND posted to my FB page also. I also added your blog to my Blog Roll.

    Thanks for the opportunity! Look forward to reading your reviews.

  34. I would love to win! My preschoolers would be thrilled with a new book collection for our classroom

  35. And I'm a subscriber in google reader!

  36. Thank you for your book give away. It brought me to your Blog. I love it. You have some amazing ideas on it that I would had never thought of. Thanks for sharing your books, your time, your ideas and your gift!

  37. What an amazing giveaway. It must be so much fun getting all these books to review. I love finding new books to read to my boys.

  38. Huh. I tweeted ya, but never even left a comment. How oversightful of me, if such is a word. Now I've rectified the latter, and shall repeat the former!

  39. This is a great contest! Thanks so much for doing it!

  40. ps. I tweeted about this, and posted to my tumblr (which goes to my facebook and twitter!)

  41. I have spread the word on FB and twitter!

    This is fantastic! Wonderful idea! How I wish I could have some of them for the book drive I am doing. So enter me!!/retweets

  42. Please enter me in your contest it sounds like a great idea.

  43. How fun! I just discovered your blog today and love it! I look forward to adding it to my bloglist.

  44. I have always enjoyed your blog, and I think this is a wonderful way to pay it forward. Thanks so much for your kindness, and good luck to the winner. Happy Holidays, everyone!

  45. This is a terrific and very generous idea. It would be great to have them for BookCrossing whose motto is "Read and Release". Members leave books in appropriate places -- coffee houses, hospitals, etc. Each book has a sticker on the inside cover asking the finder to read and then release it once again. Finders can go online and say where they found the book, what they thought of it and where they left the book after reading it. In this way the original donor can keep track of the book's travels which is fun and the book gets read by many, many people.

  46. Oh, if only I kept up with my Google Reader I wouldn't be trying to do this all in one day! :-) If I already follow the blog is it an automatic entry?

  47. Ok, I just tweeted it! @scrappylibrary

  48. I just signed up as a follower. Second entry! :o)

    rdwriter at hotmail dot com

  49. I posted it on my blog, facebook, twitter, and am following you. Great concept. You are very generous to ship these to the winners.

  50. I like the idea of "repurposing" books especially since lots of libraries have been hard hit with cuts. I've got my fingers crossed my library will win.

  51. What a fun idea, and a great way to share the wealth. Our school library would be lucky to win.

  52. As a school librarian, I am always looking for contests to win books. Thanks for posting and i know my students would appreciate these books added to our collection.

  53. I SO tweeted this! How generous of you! Thanks, :) e

  54. As a new school librarian, it was great to come across your blog and this contest. I have now followed the blog and tweeted about it.

  55. I'm posting this on my Facebook page!

  56. This has been fun to read and discover new titles. If I win, I will give them to my son's classroom.

  57. Great idea! Let those books travel to new readers.
