105 Ways to Give a Book

The Fourth Annual 48 Hour Book Challenge: Finish Line

48 Hour Book ChallengeThat was fun, right? I hope everyone shrunk their TBR pile a little bit more and had a blast doing it. Let’s see how we did.

Please link to your final summary post with Mr. Linky here no later than noon EST on Monday, June 8th. If you supported a charity or cause in connection with your reading, please note that in the comments. I’ll announce the winners Monday afternoon or evening, depending on how long it takes to sort things out.

Thanks for playing!

48 Hour Book Challenge Participants
1. CindyinTempe
2. Rebecca
3. Jen (NerdGirlTalking)
4. LiyanaLand!
5. Paulina
6. Anna
7. Briana (What Bri Reads)
8. Steph (Reviewer X)
9. Susan B. Evans
10. Wendy
11. Katy
12. Becky
13. Lazygal
14. Bibliovore
15. Shannon
16. Amanda (A Patchwork of Books)
17. Melissa (Book Nut)
18. Ami
19. MotherReader
20. Christina @ Flip the Page Book Reviews!
21. SBBO
22. Scott: HPL YA
23. Charlotte
24. tammy
25. Lori
26. Sharon Hrycewicz
27. Jennie (Biblio File)
28. Saints and Spinners
29. Tasses
30. Jen Robinson
31. lakereader
32. iAlessa
33. Sarah-GreenBeanTeenQueen
34. Paige Y.
35. Bethany (Lessons From the Head)
36. Imelda
37. Steph
38. Sandra
39. The Brain Lair
40. Tricia (Miss Rumphius)
41. Jess (The Joys of Reading)
42. Becky (One Literature Nut)
43. Kerri (Bookends)
44. Kristi (The Story Siren)
45. Kristin
46. Monique (The Little Reading Nook)
47. Dreadful Penny
48. Amanda
49. Shannan
50. Megan
51. Kay @ Infiniteshelf
52. Jess (Active Voice)
53. Sondra Eklund
54. Blog from the Windowsill
55. Sherry at Semicolon
56. Erica (The Book Cellar)
57. Reyna
58. Diane ~ The Book Resort
59. Mary Ann (Great Kid Books)
60. beth
61. Erika
62. Laura
63. Abby the Librarian
64. Elisabeth Reads
65. Sandra (Fresh Ink Books)
66. Leah:)
67. Jill (NerdGirl Talking)
68. M
69. Camille @ BookMoot
70. Kathrin
71. Lady Schrapnell
72. Ms. Yingling
73. Rasco from RIF
74. Military76Brat: Celebrate Life w/Bargains
75. Kimberly @ lectitans
76. MillyMarie
77. Shonda
78. Leila
79. Susan
80. Mandy
81. Trisha
82. Kristin
83. Jessi (casual dread)
84. Lawral
85. Karen Healey
86. Mary Lee
87. Crystal F.
88. misskate
89. Natasha @ Maw Books
90. Sarah (TheReadingZone)
91. Emily's Reading Room
92. Muttix
93. myza
94. Little Willow
95. Pippi's Postings
96. Melissa Wiley
97. Franki
98. Lindsay (NerdGirlTalking)
99. Andromeda Jazmon
100. Juli
101. Vasilly
102. Gwen Frankenstien
103. Amy Planchak Graves
104. Cindy(cindysloveofbooks)
105. msmac
106. Courtney
107. Karen at Literate Lives
108. Lizzy
109. Eva
110. Julie
111. Rebecca (Lost in Books)
112. Heather

Powered by... Mister Linky's Magical Widgets.


CindyinTempe said...

I finished my book but don't think I count as completing the challenge - see my blog.

Anonymous said...

Whew! That was a lot harder than I thought, but I did have fun.

Paulina said...

That was great! Thanks, and I hope to do it again next year.

Liyana said...

It's my pleasure to take part in this! Thanks for hosting the challenge! (L)

Bibliovore said...

Phew! My brain wants cotton candy now. Thanks for another great year, MotherReader!

Anonymous said...

I read for the March of Dimes :)

Thanks again for hosting this, I had a lot of fun and raised a lot of money for a wonderful cause!

Anonymous said...

This was an amazing activity. I'm so glad I participated in it.

I was supporting no-kill animal shelters.


Charlotte said...

Pam, thank you so much for doing this! It was great.

Tammy said...

Just posted final summery and I'm offically brain dead!
Thank you MotherReader for a fun event! It's been really fun to visit all the blogs that participated and now I have a big list of books that have been reviewed that I have to read!

Jennie said...

I'm donating money to Bridget Zinn, but it's based on how many people complete the challenge and how many are then 20+ club (which, for the first year, wasn't me)

While I only did 19.5 hours this year, I'm waiting to see if anyone tops last year's 42!

Saints and Spinners said...

I did it!

Thanks so much for hosting.

Jen Robinson said...

Another great challenge, Pam! I made it to 29 hours, which is $87 for the Bridget Zinn fund (and that puts me in the 20+ club, Jennie, but I couldn't come close to your impressive total from last year - I like sleep too much).

Anonymous said...

I am a slooowww reader but I am so proud of what I accomplished! Congratulations to all! I am donating $25.88 to two charities based on a $1 for each 50 pages I read. :)

Stephanie said...

What an awesome challenge! This was my first time playing, and I had a blast. Kudos to those who raised money for causes. I'd like to do that next year.


Unknown said...

I finished the challenge but I didn't meet my own expectations. I will be donating four books to Color Online to match the four books I read.

Tricia said...

I pledged $2 per hour read to Flying Horse Farms. I owe them a bit over 40, so I'm going to round up to $50. I had great fun this weekend and even managed to keep the house from falling apart. All-in-all, not a bad way to spend the weekend!

Anonymous said...

I did it! Thanks for hosting a wonderful challenge. I hope to participate in future challenges, it was a lot of fun.

Becky said...

I didn't have the numbers that some did, but I'm happy to say I finished a really hard book along the way that left me with lots to think about! Thanks for the challenge. :)

Steph said...

Absolutely FABULOUS challenge. Thank you so much for arranging it for the fourth time. You're AWESOME, MR(S :)).


soundistheword3 said...

Just wanted to say thank you for hosting this! I'm so glad I participated and will certainly be back next year.

Dreadful Penny said...

Yay! I had a blast participating and got 21.5 hours of reading done. I was reading and blogging for the Brooklyn Public Library, and there's still time to boost my donation by commenting on my blog. *hint hint* I should have a total donation amount by tomorrow night.

Anonymous said...

I finish in 15 minutes but I decided to take the last hour to blog and relax! I was giving to the WWF :)

Becky said...

I don't think I remembered to comment here originally, but I did the challenge and blogged over at Active Voice.

Our charity is Room to Read, roomtoread.org.

My summary post is here: http://www.active-voice.net/2009/06/07/bookathon-summary-becky-edition/

Steph said...

Hey Pam, one thing--my total changed from 21.5 to 23 hours because I had no idea social networking could be included. I estimated down since I didn't time my online time, but yeah. If you're already doing tallies, could you edit it for me?


Mary Ann Scheuer said...

Thanks for inspiring some great reading this weekend. It was wonderful to escape from my kid a bit. I only read 9 1/2 hours, but I haven't read this much for a while (chasing around 3 young kids). The social aspect was definitely motivating and fun!

Anonymous said...

I decided to do this at the last minute, and made it through 14 books and a whole lot of blogging in 21hours, 45 minutes. Next year, I will be more organized about it... thanks for the chance to do this! The community aspect is what really made the experience for me.

simply nerdy book reviews said...

i had so much fun doing the challenge! thanks motherreader! i cant wait to see who wins:)


Jill said...

Thanks for hosting such a fun weekend! :)

Anonymous said...

Made it to 20 hours, but man, I'm worn out! What a fun weekend! Thank you for the experience. :)


Lady S. said...

Yay for MotherReader's having organised another amazing Challenge!

My sum-up post is here and I donated $50 to Books for Africa.

Lady S. said...

Sorry! I messed up the Mister Linky page! (Hit 'enter' first while it just had the URL of my blog, not of the final post.) The first Lady-Schrapnell link could be deleted if that's possible. *needs more tea*

Carol H Rasco said...

I contributed to an ovarian cancer research committee in memory of a friend who passed away last week.

Thanks again, Pam, for your organization of this terrific Challenge, my first one!

Ms. Yingling said...

34 1/2 hours, 30 books, and 7,850 pages. I know pages didn't count, but I didn't keep track last year and felt bad about it.

This is a lot of work for you, Mother Reader. Thanks for all that you have done to give us all the opportunity to focus on reading.

Kimberly @ lectitans said...

Thanks for hosting!

Anonymous said...

Opps. I almost forgot to say thank you for hosting this very cool event! My charity that I picked for my first time was DonorsChoose.Org. :D

Leila said...

Thanks as usual, MR -- my TBR pile is (a bit) smaller!

susan259 said...

I really had a great time participating. What an awesome idea, and thanks for coordinating, etc.

Trisha said...

I had a great time reading and blogging. Thanks for hosting the challenge!

Anonymous said...

I was raising money for the Alannah and Madeline Foundation, which assists children in Australia who have experienced or witnessed violence. My readers donated over $1000 AUD in total, which I think is just sensational of them

Mary Lee said...

My post is about the event which some of the Central Ohio KidLit Bloggers were supporting with their book buying for the 48 Hour Book Challenge. Together they raised more than $200 for Casting for Recovery. ($234 if I'm counting correctly...)

THANK YOU BLOGGER FRIENDS!!! I hope to be reading with you next year!!!

Liyana said...

Is it okay to add more hours if we overshot the time? Like we wanted to continue the books immediately after the challenge ended? Cos if so, my total would be different. :S

military76brat said...

Well, sorry I keep forgetting to post here. I finished up my journey! Thanks a bunch!

I did 48 hours of reading and 2 hours of internet blogging/socializing for a total of 50 hours. Don't be discouraged, I know someone out there beat me!


military76brat said...

Forgot to mention that I would have done less reading on the last 30 hours of my journey had I had a computer and internet at my house, but the darn thing broke on me last week!


Unknown said...

Thank you so much for the nice comment on my blog!
I will certainly be back for the next 48 Hour Book Challenge :-)

misskate said...

Hi, I put mine at 56, but only linked to my blog instead of my finish line post. Sorry. So now I'm also at number 90, but correctly linked.
Thank you so much for putting this all together. It was a great experience (though I'll chalk this on up to practice and be better prepared for the 5th Annual)!

Natasha @ Maw Books said...

Thanks Pam!

Anonymous said...

I made it and am finished! I slept in due to crashing and burning after I finished reading last night so I barely made it with my post but after I posted, I signed in here. Anyway, this was so much fun. Next year I'll definitely have to get the days off work and consume more caffeine.

Emily said...

Thanks so much for hosting this challenge. It was fantastic!

sharon said...

I just wanted to thank you again for doing this...this was my first year for the 48 Hour Book Challenge and my colleague Amanda Blau really encouraged me to read. I'm so glad I did. I find it so interesting with such intense reading time, books that seemingly have nothing in common do in fact have things in common. I had a Venn Diagram running through my head the whole time.

I've been in a reading slump since I was married in 2005 (the allure of HGTV and a much longer commute)... these last 48 hours have really gotten me out of that slump. I can't wait to finish those books I missed! Just in time too, today is the last day of school and kids are here looking for something to read!

Thanks again! See you next year!

NGTLindsay said...

I wish I could have read more this weekend - usually I'm a super reader. But alas we can't always have what we want. But finishing, yay!

Can't wait for next year!

Liyana said...

Happy Birthday Mother Reader! :D

Melissa Wiley said...

Such fun, Pam. I really enjoyed the Twitter & blog updates along the way--thanks for bringing together so many avid readers and generating some fun books talk on the web. It's a great thing.

cindysloveofbooks said...

Sorry for the delay in posting my link but my son had a ped day and I had to run and do some shopping. He graduates kindergarden on Friday and I wanted to get something nice to wear.

Thanks for hosting this challenge. I had alot of fun looking forward to taking part next year.

Congrats to us all.

jone said...

I failed in that I did not check in, I did not blog and I did not network but I read yesterday in the car. Forgot that I was away for the weekend.
My post is here: http://tinyurl.com/njcu9v