
Thursday, January 28, 2010

Comment Challenge 2010: Finish Line

After twenty-one days of commenting, my trusty Post-It note is full. There are hash marks to track my daily comments. There is a series of numbers to one side that represent the blogs from the Comment Challenge Sign-In that I didn’t comment at yet, but intend to go back to. There are circled numbers at the top representing blogs that I need to add to my blog reader or investigate further. There are two days without any comments at all. There are eighteen days with a total of 125 comments marked. There is space for one day — today — left to be added. The hash marks won’t matter, but I’ll do them anyway.

In fact, I’ll continue to keep a Post-It note here on the right side of my laptop and mark my comments, because I found that the reminder helped. It made me push through the inertia of reading passively, to connecting actively. It forced me to drop my insecurities about not writing a comment that reflected breathtaking intelligence and wit, and to focus on leaving simple evidence that I Was Here. It reminded me that my obligation isn’t to foster community only within the confines of my blog, but to go out into that community. Because while my readers are the energy that fuels my blog, I am in turn the energy that feeds another blog — and so it continues.

Our challenge had a set time frame, and today is the day to submit your final tally and/or your experiences with the challenge. If you reached the 100 Comment Mark, be sure to say so, so that you can be entered to win one of our prize packages. If you didn’t make that goal, still sign in to say how you did and how it helped you. Everyone who participated in Comment Challenge 2010 and who signs in here or with Lee will be entered to win door prizes. The winners will be announced on Monday.

But I hope that for most of you, this will just represent the beginning. While having a challenge is fun, the intention is to help form a new habit. Once you start commenting, you find that it is easier than it seemed to be. You start reading blogs with half a thought forming in your mind, one that becomes a full sentence that you can add to the conversation. Because that’s what blog posts are: conversations waiting to happen.

Let me share my gratitude to my friend Lee Wind because his energy, enthusiasm, and commitment fueled this venture. Without him, I would have spent January in a winter malaise, waking only to enter my picture vote and harsh on the name iPad. Lee, you rock.

For today and tomorrow: Sign in below. For always:

Read. Blog. Comment.


  1. Awww, it's a mutual admiration society we've got going here, MotherReader! And that's the amazing thing about this Comment Challenge - it lets the mutual admiration society extend beyond just our current circle of friends and the blogs we know. It reminds us that there is a whole vital, vibrant community that is the kidlitosphere - and that to claim a place for ourselves in that community, all we have to do is click on "comment" and join in!
    Namaste and a Hug, and congrats all around,

  2. I managed to make 102 comments and I'm so glad I joined the comment challenge. I've gotten a lot less self-conscious about making comments and I've found several fantastic blogs that I've added to my reader. I've also enjoyed having more activity on my blog. I hope I can continue to make commenting a priority when I'm reading posts.

  3. This was a great challenge, and I am proud to say I made it! 101 by my count. I loved getting to know other bloggers and am going to try to sustain the habit. Thanks for the encouragement, and congrats to all!

  4. I... did not keep track. No sticky notes, which would be lost on my desk anyway. No tic marks. No abacus. But I did make a lot of comments -- I'd estimate it at 85, maybe? And like Sarah I'm feeling much less self conscious about leaving notes on people's blogs. I have been de-lurked! Thanks so much for this challenge, and for the kick in the keyboard.

  5. 130 comments as of yesterday...
    Thanks for organizing the comment challenge again this year! I was hoping you would do it again. It's been great to connect with so many new folks... to discover who else is out there. Thanks!

  6. I have 127 marked down (not counting this one of course!) and loved it. I enjoyed seeing new blogs and have new eyeballs check out my blog. I found a few to add to my feed reader and collected more "followers." It pushed me not only to comment, but to be better about posting. I feel like I'm really part of a community of teachers, librarians, parents, and readers now. Thanks so much!

  7. What a great challenge! I discovered some new blogs and now consider myself a de-lurker. :-)
    I did not keep track of my comments the last week so I don't believe I made it to 100- I found that some of the commenting was cutting into a lot of my writing time and my writing is a priority for me. :-) But beyond that, tons of fun! Thanks!

  8. I started off late, like yesterday, but I managed to visit and comment on 18 blogs. I'll be trying to visit the whole list next week.

  9. I hit between 140 and 150 comments and have connected with a lot of new people. Thanks!

  10. I got to 73--a couple days without commenting and several days with 3 or 4 comments. That said, I gained so much by pushing beyond my lurking comfort zone, connecting with other bloggers, and finding new blogs to add to my reader.

    Thank you for organizing this challenge! It was a great way to start the year.

  11. I made it over a 100 comments (five per day for 20 days, and I didn't count after five). I found many new blogs to follow, and many new people coming to my blog, some tracing my comment and some probably from your challenge page. It was a good chance to come out of my shell a bit.

    Of course, it also made the internet an even bigger time sink than before, and my laundry pile may never recover. Nor will my TBR pile -- more book bloggers means more books to read! Well worth it, though. Thanks to you and Lee for hosting.

  12. I know I just commented last night that it'd probably take a miracle for me to make it to 100, so I feel like a doofus now, but after spending much more time than planned surfing Kidlitosphere last night, I am pleased to inform you that THIS is my 101st comment. =D

  13. Awww...I hate to see the challenge end! I have to admit I LOVED this challenge! While I didn't actually write down my comments I average about 8 or 9 a day and feel VERY confident I came in at over 100! I found so many new cool blogs from this challenge!

    So thank you for broadening my reading!

  14. Thanks so much for doing this. I came out of my shell and found some cool blogs. I also had people visit me! That was pretty awesome.

  15. 101 Comments! (Not commenting the blogs I regularly read and comment on, outside the scope of this challenge.)

    It was fun!

  16. I made 104 comments if I don't count people not in the kidlit community or blogs where I commented on more than one post. 117 if I count those others. It's been fun, and I'd like to at least take a quick peek at the blogs of all the people who signed up. I think I've added 4 or 5 subscriptions to my Google Reader due to this contest so far.

  17. I have exactly 100 comments. I had hoped to squeeze in a few additional comments last night to get to 105 or so but didn't get to it.

    I must say I loved this challenge. To be deliberate in my comments and not just fly through the blogs I read without really digesting what the author had to say was really nice.

    I really appreciate your doing this and I'm looking forward to the 48 hour reading challenge!

  18. This was such a great challenge and I think I'm going to keep it up and track my comments. It reminds me to take the time to comment on people's blogs, which I liked.
    For my total, I managed 136!!

  19. I forgot to keep track - as in actually WRITING IT DOWN! That's kind of stupid.

    But I would guesstimate that I did NOT actually hit a 100. Certainly I commented WELL over 100 times but not necessarily on new-to-me blogs. (Heck, the other day I left no less than 35 comments through the Nightstand carnival at 5M4B.) So I know I left comments everywhere but I've been on a lot of those sites before.

    I did very much appreciate this challenge though and I added 2 new blogs to my blog roll. I got a feel for what else/who else is out there and I liked that very much.

    I guess that is what I enjoyed the most - getting a feel for the lay of the book blogging land. I had never really hopped around all that much - sticking with a "faithful few" I suppose.

    I'm so glad you ran this challenge and I hope you'll do it annually as it at least knocks me out of my comfort zone and exposes me to blogs I wouldn't have found any otherwise!

  20. I tip my hat to all of you who made it to 100 or more! My participation flagged greatly after the first week, so I'm guessing I managed maybe 40?

    I definitely learned, though, about the pleasure of being introduced to new blogs, learning by example what I like in a blog, and seeing how generous bloggers are. Eg--get a comment, give a comment. Thanks for doing this. I hope it becomes an annual or semi-annual event for that frequent kick in the rear!

  21. How'd I do? Terrible. I only posted 52 comments in 3 weeks. Pitiful, really. This time of year (beginning of the semester) is really bad for me. I'm going to see if I can't make it to 100 in the next week or two.

  22. I am happy to report that I did much, much better than last year.
    I think I hit somewhere around 105 -- 5 comments per day for the last 21 days. I didn't keep track of how many I did after 5 for each day. I think last time I quit somewhere around 40 comments, so this was a big improvement for me. I have added so many new blogs to my reader over the last few days, I don't know how I'll find time to keep up with them all.

    Thanks for hosting! It was fun.

  23. Definitely doing more commenting--didn't make it to 100, but sure I got to at least 50, and expanded my blog reading world quite a bit! Thanks so much for this!

  24. I just finished making my last comment - for the challenge that is. I averaged more than five a day - hey it's like the five food groups. I'm tracking at 105 plus.
    Very fun, discovered a lot of blogs and formed a new habit.
    One suggestion - I used the original sign-up page on Mother Reader to select blogs to visit. It was very convenient because the names of the bloggers who signed up for the challenge were linked to their blogs and I could track how many comments I made and which blogs I'd been to, automatically. But, it became progressively difficult to find that sign-up page as the month progressed and it got buried in new posts. For future challenges, could you keep a link to the sign-up page on your home page?
    Thanks so much MotherReader and Lee for hosting this great challenge!

  25. OK funny story, sort of. I was keeping track of all the blogs I visited and left comment on so I could return and keep track I was up to 120, when low and behold I woke up three days ago and my son had closed down my word doc. No big deal right? Wrong! I never saved it, just kept it open so I could add to. Luckily, I knew how many I had when it went the way of all lost documents. So I started a new one and as of right now I have made 140 comments. I have enjoyed this challenge so much, because I have seen so many wonderful blogs and read so many great reviews, Thank you for starting all this.

  26. I think that the comment challenge was a big success, Pam and Lee. I finished with 118 comments, though I did notice a bit of a tapering off over the three weeks. Still, I did find that I was reading blogs more carefully, looking as I read each post to see if I had something to contribute. And I think that I received a lot more comments than I would have otherwise, too. I hope that we'll all be able to keep it up. Thanks so much for organizing this, and for your enthusiastic examples.

  27. Just made it in with 101 comments. Thank you for doing this!

  28. Aaah. I made it! 100 comments, and I confess that I'm a little burnt out on commenting, but I enjoyed it a lot--all the new blogs I found, and the extra comments on my blog.

    I want to call special attention to, who profiled each blog she commented on every day on her own blog. That's dedication!

  29. I made the minimum 100. I stopped counting after that. I thoroughly enjoyed this process. I found some very beneficial sites for me and for friends. It made me take time and slow down for once in my life.

  30. I made 130 comments on 79 different blogs. This has been such a great experience. I've discovered new blogs and bloggers that I love, new books to read, and a new confidence in writing comments. My favourite part was that, in addition to new blogs, I also de-lurked on ones that I've read and loved in the past.

  31. Finish line! Finish line! Wooo!

    Pam and Lee, this challenge has been great! I can definitely see the difference it's made in our community and I hope we can all keep it going! I know I will definitely try.

    I had just over 100 comments on my post-its (actually 104 counting this one), but I'm pretty sure I missed counting some along the line.

    Thanks so much for hosting this challenge!

  32. This is my 100th comment exactly! I had my doubts about myself--after a very steady first week, I was quite spotty. But I loved reacting and then re-reacting. One thing I have gotten in the habit of (besides just commenting!) is marking the "follow-up comments" box and continuing the conversation.

    I used tick marks on a wall calender by my desk, where I also mark which days I've posted. I'm going to continue that because it was my New Year's resolution to comment 5 times a week and post at least twice on each blog.

    It's been an awesome challenge and kudos to both of you for pulling it together!

  33. First, thank you so much, MotherReader and Lee, for putting this Challenge together. It was exactly the kick in the behind I needed to get myself going in a creative direction. You are both blessings to the the kidlitosphere.

    Second, while I did not reach the magic 100 mark, I did get leave 53 comments in spite of the fact that I have been traveling the past two weeks. It is very difficult to comment when you are on the road trying to grab an internet connection wherever you are. That being said, I have kept track of the blogs I visited and read with great fascination - 54 - and plan to go back and comment on all of them as soon as I can when I am home and back on schedule.

    Perhaps the biggest thing I did during this Challenge was to sign up to host a Kidlitosphere Carnival of Children's Literature. I think the many wonderful comments I received on my blog and the comments I left on others allowed me to feel like I was part of the kidlit community in a way that I have not felt before.

    So again, thank you. This was an amazing opportunity to get out of my comfort zone and experience something remarkable.

  34. I did it! I made 100 comments but only on 5 days because I forgot about the challenge the rest of the time. I wrote all about it here

  35. I kept track of only 52 comments. I didn't always manage to mark them if I was not near a pen at the time. However, I know I didn't get to 100. But I do think this pushed me in a fabulous direction and I'm much more likely to comment now. Like MotherReader I may keep a post-it note and track some just for the reminder.

  36. 128 - yay! This has been a great experience - tracking my comments ensured that I actually made comments every day instead of lurking. Not surprisingly, the more engaged I became by making comments, the richer the book blogging experience.

    It has been great connecting with new blogs and bloggers. Thanks for hosting the challenge!

  37. I did not keep track-but given I have been in trial for the past three weeks and still going-commenting has been my blog pleasure that I allowed myself each day. Float around the internet world-some days I did five to meet the goal-some days I had a little extra time and spent more time hopping about. Thanks for this-it has kept me semi-sane this month.

  38. I hit 106...kind of freaked me out. Discovered many new blogs - not only from the list of "comment" folks on MotherReader but using their blog rolls I went on to many others. That was a cool value in itself!

  39. Thanks for a great challenge. I found lots of great blogs that I'm sure to return to. I commented on 52, which is just about where I thought I'd end up. Thanks again!
    Mary Jo

  40. Thanks for giving me the incentive to get out here and check the blog community. I think it's officially January 29 now. I just finished my 100th comment at 11:50pm on Jan 28th! Yay! Prize or not, I got a lot out of this. I plan to come back and explore blog sites that I missed, and return to others. I hope I'll hear from some of you, too.

  41. This challenge has really forced me to peek out of my shell. I used to NEVER comment, but now I'm averaging a couple a day. Baby steps. :) For the challenge, I think my total is around 75, if I can read my hash marks correctly. Thanks for the push - I've enjoyed getting to know more blogs and bloggers and getting more comments on mine too!

  42. You and Lee both totally rock. I, on the other hand, have totally slacked the last four days or so. This week kicked my ass. But I'm looking forward to trying to comment more in general this year, and making sure to visit all my blog buds at least occasionally. :) Thanks for the challenge--couldn't have made it even this far without you!

  43. Thanks Pam and Lee for the great challenge!

    I am not sure if I made 100 or not, but I sure had fun trying!

  44. I made it to 86 comments despite the stomach flu at the end. This was a great experience and one that I hope to continue on with. I added quite a few blogs to my reader and look forward to following them.

    Huge thanks to Pam and Lee for running this!

  45. Congratulations to everyone who managed 100 comments. I stopped counting after the first week, but I kept commenting. The challenge has really helped me overcome my commenting shyness.
    Thanks again for organizing this!

  46. Thank you so much to you and Lee for taking the time to host this challenge! It seriously motivates me to take extra time to explore new blogs and comment like a crazy woman!
    I commented 214 times in the last three weeks! Two days I didn't comment at all, but I took two days to really really hit the blogs as my goal for the day, and then I commented 10+ a day the other days. Thanks again!!

  47. Not sure if I'm supposed to comment again here or not (?), but just in case 100 comments total a little earlier this week, but still going. ;) I'm actually proud I kept better track and organized (somewhat). Thanks to you and Lee for putting this wonderful challenge together! I'm going to miss it. :D

  48. This comment has been removed by the author.

  49. Okay, so we're supposed to tell our experience with this challenge in here? :D By commenting? Hehe.

    Anyway, I only kept track of 90+ comments...But I'm definitely sure I reached 100. I commented more than 5 times a day, which is normal for me, actually. And I had lots of fun along the way. It was great to meet other bloggers, too. Thank you for creating this challenge! It helped boost up my commenting spirit! :D

  50. Hello, Pam and Lee! Thank you again for sponsoring this fun social event! I finished with 49 for the last week and added to the previous two weeks that is 154 total. I have new friends, new blogs to check regularly - it's been great; Happy New Year to all!

  51. Thanks so much for hosting this challenge. I didn't make the 100 comment goal (I logged about 70, slowed down by lack of internet whle traveling) but I almost never left comments on blogs before, so this gave me a great reason to de-lurk and join the conversation. I now feel much less intimidated by my full GoogleReader.

  52. Including this one, I posted 102 comments. I went strong in the first week, and trickled off after that. I'm glad that I'm back in the swing of doing regular comments, though, and comment on a variety of blogs. I think I'll return to the sign-up list from time to time to visit the blogs I haven't yet read.

  53. I made 75 comments. This was a great activity for never-ending-January. I kept a list of the blogs where I commented so now I have a great list of blogs to add to my reader and blogroll. Thanks to both of you for this effort!

  54. I had to follow up on this to tell you that a friend of mine posted a link on Facebook to an article about the iPad, describing how some Japanese were laughing about the name because there is a brand of adult diaper in Japan called the "Aipad."

    Yeah, I know, I'm easily amused...

  55. This comment challenge was fun. I managed to make 223 comments. My biggest days were Sundays when I take part in the IMM meme hosted by the Story Siren. I try to visit most of the other people who add their names to Mr. Linky. I must have added 10-15 feeds to my Google Reader or Bloglines accounts too. Thanks for hosting this challenge, Pam and Lee.

  56. Well, I started off strong and hit 73 comments by the midpoint of the Challenge. But after that I was busy finishing a manuscript, so my grand total was only 79 comments. But it was loads of fun. I visited some interesting new blogs (many of them were excellent discoveries connected to the book-cover controversy)and enjoyed some discussion on old favorites. Thanks, Pam and Lee, for hosting again this year, and for cheering us on.

  57. Sadly, I only left 44 comments. I started out strong -- I especially liked the challenge to start with blogs new to you. But then I was trying to catch up my own blog reviews and post my 2010 Stand-outs. So I dropped off.

    But I was inspired. Tonight I watched "Julie and Julia" and I was reminded how nice it is to get comments. As you say, it tells the blog writer someone is out there.

    So I'm going to keep on keeping track of how many comments I leave and trying to make the total higher each month. We'll see how I do. Thanks for the motivation, Mother Reader!

  58. Well, I definitely got up to meet the challenge, but have been terrible about following through here. I was able to comment on over 150 different posts and added about 50 new blogs to my "watching" pile. This was such a great challenge! I can't wait to do it again next time! Thank you to both you and Lee for hosting!
