As this weekend is Bloggiesta a chance to devote time to bloggy activites you may join the Comment Challenge and leave your first ten comments on blogs new to you to complete your mini-challenge. There will be a separate post on Saturday to check in for completing that task.
Sign up here, go forth and comment.
Learn more about Comment Challenge here.
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And the Comments Commence!
Whhoo-Hoo! this is going to be so much fun!
If you build it, they will come. (I hope.) Thanks! I'm excited to get started!
Looking forward to visiting all the kidlit blogs.
This is great! :o)
I hesitate to enter it formally because I think I'm going to flame out in a major way on this but I will be doing my level best to hang in there and comment, at the very least, more than I have in the past!
Thanks for doing this! I think I should DEFINITELY be able to handle 5 comments today since we're having a SNOW DAY here in the Atlanta 'burbs.
This is definitely going to be a challenge for me - when it comes to book blogs, I'm a pretty passive reader, but I really want to be more involved!
Bring it, baby! I'm off to go start commenting!!!
Thanks for hosting! :)
What I great idea! I signed up and now I am off to discover new blogs for the Mini-Challenge. Thanks for hosting this.
Ok - off to comment . . . thanks for hosting!
Yes! A perfect start to Friday. I have a Q not covered in the FAQ though ... does replying to comments on your blog count? Sometimes posts spark conversations, not just "thanks for writing."
Terry, comments on your own blog do NOT count, simply because we want people to get out into the community, not stay at their home blog with virtual slippers on.
Melissa, a button is a great idea! I'll have my husband make one up tomorrow. He's good at that.
Happy commenting!
What have I got myself into!
Great idea!
Just to define authors' blogs work for this challenge or just book review folk?
I'm sure I'm just like others--I read so many blogs, but I'm always trying to zoom onto the next one in my reader. This challenge is just what I need to slow down and actually participate in some fun discussions.
Thanks Lee and MotherReader!!
I hesitated to sign up because I've been so remiss in commenting, and then I realized how much I missed keeping up with my part of the conversation in the blogging community. I miss people!
This is my first comment of the challenge. So exciting! I'm really looking forward to upping my participation in the community.
Thanks for taking the time to reply, MR. That makes sense.
I'm in for the challenge, but not for the prizes. Keeping track of the number of comments I leave would push me right over the edge. But commenting...I can definitely do more of that!
Thanks for the challenge. Always a good jumpstart in the new year.
Thanks for the challenge!
I'm in, and what a great day to start! Our district called a snow day today. Lots of time to browse and comment.
I'm glad you guys are doing this again!
So, Pam, if you have 261 unread blog posts on your blog reader going back to the beginning of December, and you make comments on some of those, will that count even though in some cases even the blog owner may not see them?
I apologize if you covered this in an earlier post, but, you see, that would be one of the 261 posts I'm behind on.
Enjoy yourselves, folks.
What a fantastic idea! Thanks :o)
Caroline, author blogs are most definitely included in both the challenge and the kidlitosphere in general. We wouldn't be the community that we are without them!
Gail, you crack me up. You can certainly leave comments on the posts in your reader and count them. I plan to do a bit of that myself - though for the most part I've decided to make 2010 a Clean Slate for such things.
This is my first year participating, as I'm relatively new to the blogosphere. Thanks for the inspiration!
I signed up at I'm Queer, I'm Queer...but wanted to comment here, too. Here's to community building!
Looking forward to the Challenge!
This is my first challenge ever. I am also taking on Blogiesta this weekend. I cannot believe I am doing this, but since I participated in the Jon Scieszka tribute and he commented on my blog, I figure I better pay it forward. Thank you so much for doing this.
I'm in! I think I ended up somewhere in the 50s last year - must do better!
(Also: my word verification is egolog, which I will totally use if I ever try writing sci-fi. It sounds like an automated diary...)
Let the games begin!
Thank you for organizing this challenge.
All my best,
Yee-haw! Nothing like commenting on other blogs to stave off that winter chill. Since I'm going to be inside and all...
Yay!!!! I didn't do so well with this challenge last year but I shall not look behind me but rather in front of me!
Great idea! Thanks!
What a great idea!! Thanks for hosting!
I'm all signed up but a quick question. This post says any book blog but the FAQ says kidlit blogs. Which is it? Does any book blog count?
Thanks for doing this again, Pam and Lee!
I am really looking forward to this - thanks!
Let's see - this counts as one comment... ;)
Really thanks for doing this again!
Here I am, leaving my very first comment (of the day. Wait, it's my second) thanking you and Lee for getting the Comment Challenge going. It's the perfect time to do it, too. Thanks!
(and my capcha word is forna, which reminds me of Madelyn's new Furnace!)
I guess this means I should catch up on the 1000+ posts in my Google Reader. I someone gets a comment on a post from August, I apologize in advance. lol. Great mini-challenge.
I'm looking forward to it! We'll put a link up on Slushbusters.
I have another question, is it 100 comments on 100 different blogs or is commenting more than once on the same blog count?
Looking forward to this! Thank you guys for organizing this awesome idea.
This is just what I needed to motivate me to try out new blogs and actually join in discussions - thanks! And I'm thinking of joining the Bloggiesta to spruce up my own baby blog. :)
You don't need to comment on 100 different blogs, but it's certainly easier to spread the love around than to continually comment on five.
Last year this was a challenge we ran for the kidlit blogging community, but this year is open to all book bloggers. There may still be some mixed language in the different places as I did a lot of cut and paste from last year's posts. We do want to keep it in the book blogging community as a guideline. Let the scrapbookers run their own comment challenge. :^)
Quick question -- is it possible to change my URL once I've signed up?
Hooray for the comment challenge. Thanks for organizing with Lee. It may also make me blog more.
This is just what I need for 2010! One of my New Year's goals is to become more familiar with blogging and how to attract readers to my blog and website. We'll see what happens!
Been waiting for this! Excited!
So glad the Comment Challenge is back on! Love this so much I signed up twice. :) Thanks to both you and Lee!
Can't wait to explore all of the amazing blogs out there! Excitement abounds!!
I'm so ready to find new and awesome blogs! Commenting more was one of my new year's resolutions :)
Sounds like fun! I've been wanting to become more active in the blogging community. Great idea!
I'm a day late, but I just added my name to the list. Eek! I recently took a little personal leave from the kid lit blogging world, but I figure this challenge is a good way for me to jump back in. Thanks for organizing it!
Karen, I don't know for sure that I can change the URL, but I can certainly try. Put the correct one in the comments and I'll figure out how to do it.
Okay, I just realized I'm not a day late. I guess I'm temporally challenged today!
I'm all signed up and rearing to go!
Truly excellent idea :)
Found you through the Slushbusters post on this fun, fun event. Count me in! I write MG fiction -- my first novel WITH A NAME LIKE LOVE comes out next year (FSG/Macmillan). I'd love to connect with more like-minded folks out there :D
Best make sure I blog consistently this month so there's stuff to comment about ;)And now I'll have a great excuse not to let those enticing blog links go flying past me on twitter.
Okay; this is only my third comment for today so I better get in two more.
This is a great challenge. I know I've already commented on at least 4 or 5 blogs already today but now I'm going to really keep track. More commenting is one of my goals for 2010.
Fabulous idea! I really would love to comment more and now...I will!
Great idea! I have been all over the blogesphere today and will continue as I have time throughout .... well.... I love to visit blogs :)
I recently discovered that I can leave little notes to myself in Google Reader. My evil plot is now to do this while reading on the fly and go back to comment more fully at the actual blog when I have the time.
Good luck everyone!
I signed up through Lee's blog, but have added yours to my feeder. Fun stuff, thanks for doing this!
Look at all the people signed up for this challenge! It is awesome. (And I can already tell a huge increase in comments on my blog.) Way to bring the community together, Pam and Lee!
This is definitely an intriguing idea. I do try to leave comments quite frequently on the blogs I follow regularly but I'll toss my hat in for this one. Thanks for hosting and promoting networking! =)
Off and find more clues to writing great stories!
Meg Lippert (StorySleuths)
This will really help me get back into the swing of blogging and making connections! So timely!
I'm in... and Im looking forward to seeing what's going on in the blogosphere this year.
Pam - The blog url is
I accidentally had it set back to my 48 hour challenge wrap-up. Thanks for trying to correct my mistake.
The challenge is already a success in its first day. We've had lots of people stop by and leave comments. It makes for a lot of fun and learning about new people.
Yow, that's a lot of comments on this post! I'm going to try this out, for what it's worth, and we'll see how well I do...I managed my five today, plus several friends' blogs I've been neglecting, so I feel pretty good so far! Thanks, Lee and Pam.
Thanks for this invitation to meet and come to know my fellow Kidlitosphere neighbors!
I've just moved my blog to a new location and changed its focus a bit, and I'm still trying to get it set up the way I'd like, but I am planning to participate in both this and the Bloggiesta challenges. I was excited about getting started tonight, but instead I'm going to bed with a killer headache. Not an auspicious beginning, but I'm hoping tomorrow I'll be ready to go!
how fun... heading to read and leave comments now
I LOVE this idea can't wait!!! ;D
OK, I'm off to comment away. Normally I'm quite shy, so this is a good way to stretch myself.
Hey, does this comment count?
This is a great mini-challenge. I do often read blogs and forget to leave a comment. I think I can handle 5 a day (like fruits & vegetables!)
Wow, quite the impressive list of people you have going here!
Now that's a challenge! Good luck everyone!
This is such a fun way to learn about new people and their blogs.
I actually did this for `Jill at fizzy thoughts` yesterday. So I am going to go out and find 10 more that I didn't list yesterday.
Happy Blogging
OK, so I didn't sign up 'til this morning, but I did squeak in my requisite comments yesterday. And then, today, I just caught up on LOADS of posts -- two that made me cry, one that reminded me to re-read Bird by Bird, one I learned a LOT from, and a bunch that made me chuckle. My Saturday's off to a very fine start thanks to you guys and your big idea...
I'm a commenting MANIAC!
Thanks for the great mini-challenge!
I love discovering new blogs, and there are a ton on this list that I've never seen before!
Good times.
I'm definitely more of a lurker than a commenter when it comes to blog posts. Here's hoping this challenge will get me involved in some ongoing conversations!
OK, um, I seem to have listed myself twice--sorry! Just think of me as an eager incompetent! But you know what? It's really FUN taking the time to hop around people's blogs. Such different personalities, all so interesting. Thanks for hosting this challenge!
Already a day late in signing up and commenting - at least we're staying true to character:) Does this count as one of our five? :)
(and my captcha isn't nearly as interesting as other peoples'.)
Okay messed up my first link I had my name and a title of a book.. woops!
I'm in, only a day late. Leaving comments is way harder when you read blogs mainly through Google Reader, and are super-behind all the time, especially since I feel like it's hard enough to keep track of the original posts, let alone the conversations that develop in the comments. That said, there's nothing like the warm fuzzy of a comment when you're a new or rarely-visited blogger, so it's good to pay it forward.
Thanks for hosting this mini challenge. I consider this to be my first comment on a new to me book blog. It's a pleasure to meet you!
aksimmo at brainerd dot net
Great idea! I'm off to discover some new-to-me kidlit blogs!
This is so exciting...I'm starting a day behind, but I'm hoping this will boot me out of my lurking habits.
this is my first time playing along, looks like fun! I'm always looking for new book-friends.
This is going to be a huge challenge for me! Let the comments begin!
Motherreader, please help me. I can's seem to make my blog link appear. What am I doing wrong?
I'm in - a day behind but at least I'm here. How will I ever catch up?
Yay! A great opportunity to meet new bloggers :)
Two questions that have come up more than once:
Q1: Can I count this as one of my comments?
A: Sure.
Q2: I entered something wrong/duplicated my entry, can you fix it?
A: I think I just did, if not then let know.
Super! I've been meaning to do more commenting and doing more reading kidlit blogs ever since the Kidlitosphere conference. But life and lots of other things got in the way. Sounds good!
It's already working! I've been visiting so many neat new blogs - can't even begin to imagine when I'll find time to read all the amazing posts I want to read. But I can't wait to start trying :)
What a great challenge! This will help me to accomplish some of my goals for this coming year!
I have started and I didn't even know it. This makes my random visits not so random. Glad I got in on this ... better late than never.
For some reason my link is wrong. It's teacherninjas.COM not .NET, so I signed up again...
I signed up over at Lee Wind's blog, but I thought I'd comment here as well. I feel a bit self-conscious about leaving comments because I'm young, so this will be a great challenge for me (and get me out my shell a little). Off to do some blog exploring :)
Thanks for helping us get connected
Thanks for hosting this!
I love commenting and one of my blog resolutions was to leave 100 comments per week!
Awesome challenge, can't wait to see how everyone does at it!
Thanks to Mother Reader & Lee Wind for helping me get me back on the BlogWagon!
Going to try and catch up now!
Looks like a fun way to meet other like-minded readers, writers, and bloggers. :)
Just signed up on Lee Wind's blog...This makes comment #2 for me. Since I do it on facebook, it should be fun.
I was going to sign up when this 1st came out but wasn't sure I understood. Think I do now, So here goes. I actually comment more than 5 times a day now. When I first started reading blogs I just read. 3 mos later I am commenting. LOL This is a great idea. Now I just need to keep a log.? Thanks for the fun this will bring.
I found your very fun, interesting blog from Maw Books Blog. And I must say that I am extremely impressed with it. After completely doing against what I said I would do with the Bloggiesta, which is NOT like me, I had luck on my side to find this and I thank you so very much. I won't go into detail, but circumstances in life (MEN....errrrrr!) really screwed up my participation in Bloggiesta. I assure you that will NOT happen ever again :)
This sounds like such loads of fun, fun and more fun!!!
If you think it, prepare it and have your sense of humor they will come.....for certian they will come!
So "Mother Reader" I truly look forward to this.
Las Vegas
Always love to begin the new year with a kick in the rear!
I LOVE this challenge! I already do this on a normal day! Woo hoo!
Love the blog by the way!
Just browsed through my stat counter, and a good portion of my visitors this week have come straight from MotherReader. I've been clicking through the list of participants too and found a few new blogs to follow. Yay for the comment challenge!
argh. am i late?
I just found this challenge and I'm signing up kind of late, but I've been making an effort to do this lately anyways, so perhaps I'm not so far behind. It's a really great idea though.
Great idea. I comment more than this already and have a gazillion other challenges going so I won't join. But thanks for trying to get people into the habit. A good way to find new blogs in your area of interest too. Have fun everyone.
i just signed up so I am way behind the pack, but I love being introduced to new blogs and this challenge fits in nicely with my New Years Resolutions to be a better blogger. Already up to 15 or so reviews (must get better at keeping track!). Thanks!
Thanks for offering this challenge!
I have been commenting every day - at least five but usually 7 or 10 per day. This has been really fun and addicting.
I did not see the info re this Challenge until the 11th so did not register. But I have read and commented on, as of today, 71 times. This really keeps me busy. but I have enjoyed it. I do comment on regular basis but still new at this so slowly reading new blogs. Thanks for the challenge.
Obviously, I am way behind, but I do enjoy reading and commenting on other people's blogs - and think this is a great way to find out about other blogs and what other writers are up to.
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