105 Ways to Give a Book

A Picture, a List, and a Challenge (or Two)

So my fifth grader didn’t make the finalists with her picture, but that’s okay because a fellow book blogger kid is a finalist and her picture is awesome. I love that she’s captured the theme of the contest so well, and with a nice touch of humor. Please go vote for her picture — not just because Bookie Woogie is a member of our kidlitosphere community, but also because her picture really is the best. Go vote now at 5 Minutes for Mom.

I never do book challenges where you have to keep track of the titles over any period of time. It stresses me out. However, I did sign-up for the People of Color Reading Challenge and encourage you to do the same. While I do read books with an eye toward diversity and expanding my own cultural awareness, I am not as good as making sure that I actually review those titles. I am hoping that the POC Reading Challenge will keep me more accountable. After the last week, it is one small thing that I can do as a blogger and a reader. Go sign up now — but after the voting for the picture.

The deadline is closing in on Fuse#8’s Top 100 Children’s Fiction Chapter Book list. Think of your ten top chapter books, list them in order of preference, and email them to Betsy. The picture book list she did was amazing, and you don’t want to miss your chance to voice your opinion in this list. Go now to get the full instructions — but after the voting for the picture and the signing up for the POC Challenge.

Then if you still come back here, perhaps you could donate something for our Comment Challenge prize packages. A signed book, a crafty necklace, an original sketch, etc. Actually, the original artwork or sketch should probably be limited to actual illustrators — though I may toss in a zendala. Email me at MotherReader AT Gmail DOT com. (You know how screwed we all are once spam robots figure out that format.)


Hannah said...

I'm sorry your daughter's picture didn't make the final rounds, but I did go and vote for Bookie Woogie's -- it deserves to win! Thanks for being a good sport and rounding up the votes for them!

Paige Y. said...

That's quite a to-do list, but I'll start working on it!

I'm really excited about Betsy's chapter book list -- her picture book list was wonderful.

Z-Kids said...

Thanks for plugging Gracie's picture Mother Reader! Now there's community for you...

Caroline said...

My heart dropped a little bit when I saw the Fuse #8 blog heading of "your favorite book isn't on the top 100 chapter books list" - and then I was so excited to remember that I could still submit titles! The picture book list was amazing.

Sharon K. Mayhew said...

Sorry your daughter's picture didn't make the final round. I am going to go vote for Bookie Woogie's kiddo.

beth said...

I know what you mean about stressing out over keeping track of books for challenges. I'm feeling the pain.

Hey, we don't have to keep track of our comments do we? Because that will break me.

Thanks for the heads up about the PoC challenge; I have it on my list.

Charlotte said...

I went and voted too!

(but I liked your daughter's picture lots too. And I would have voted for it).

MissA said...

Aw I'm sorry your daughter's picture didn't make it, this one is cute though.

So glad you're joining in the POC Reading Challenge, can't wait to read your reviews :) I sent in my email suggestions and I'm eager for the results.