105 Ways to Give a Book

National Delurking Week: Last Post

DelurkThree times a month I think I’ll stop writing this blog. Three times a year I’m sure of it. Yet here I am, one week from my fourth blog birthday, still writing. Why?


I keep writing because of you. Not in an altruistic way thinking I have such important information to share. Honestly, I’m more likely to compare pandas to Ashton Kutcher than to bestow pearls of wisdom. But knowing that you are reading keeps me writing. It energizes me. You’re the gas in the hybrid, keeping the engine speeding along.

When I push National Delurking Week and the Comment Challenge, I do so for two reasons. First, because of what you can get when you step out of the shadows and become an active participant in blogs — a sense of connection and community. But also for what you can give — energy, ideas, and humanity — to what can be a lonely hobby. Statcounters show readers, but only as numbers, not as people who like popcorn and wool socks and muppets and hackeysacks and sparkling snow. Statistics can’t reveal blogging friends who strive to find joy, persevere, focus, savor, or, “as Tracy Jordan said on 30 Rock, ‘Live every week like it’s Shark Week!’” (Agreed, Jim.)

As you read blogs, remember how much you contribute just by saying, "I’m here." Be the energy. And think about how you can live every week like it’s National Delurking Week.


Lori W. said...

Mother Reader,
Your line about comparing pandas to Ashton Kutcher made me smile. Up until last fall, I was a long-time lurker because I felt I had nothing to add. Your thoughts on this idea were appreciated.

Also, thank you and Lee for the comment challenge. I've found out about some great books and "met" some interesting writers. My kids have read a lot of the book reviews, too and keep asking when we're going to the bookstore!

Tasha said...

Congratulations on your upcoming blog-birthday. You add so much to our online community that I have a hard time picturing it without you here.

I only have a handful of kidslit blogs that make it to my must-read-every-day list. Yours is one.

I'm so happy to be gassy for you. Wait, that didn't quite...

Greg Pincus said...

I saw a great quote zip by on Twitter that ties into your last line. Source is unknown to me, but...

Dance like the photo's not tagged, love like you've never been unfriended, tweet like nobody's following.

Rock on, MR! See you in year five :-)

Anonymous said...

I am delurking. Indeed, no one can hear us read in cyberspace.

Excellent reminder :)

DaNae said...

Oh honored Mother,

I have come to see the wisdom of your ways. All of a sudden people are looking at my blog, whereas before all I knew for certain was that my paltry attempts were at least getting me proficient at editing my own really bad spelling and grammar.

I e-mailed you my count of comments yesterday but was unclear if I was following proper protocol. Can I get reassurance?

Well done on the four years, and thanks for the good times.

Peaceful Reader said...

I'm loving this challenge-I've had fun exploring other blogs and getting more comments on my own! A win-win situation. I'm very glad you keep writing!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you haven't quit. And I had to check - I'm coming up on my 5th blog anniversary (come May). Wild!

Kelly Polark said...

I love the connections you make by reading/commenting on blogs.
And how would you compare a panda to Ashton Kutcher? Speaking of Ashton, That 70's Show is one of my all time favorite sitcoms!

Doraine said...

Oh, yes. I am a professional lurker, but I'm trying, find my voice, raise my voice, be true to my voice. All those things we want our characters to do. Thanks for the challenge.

Vivian Mahoney said...

BE the energy. I will remember this nugget of wisdom when my kids challenge me to jog around the block. I'm glad you're still blogging. The blogosphere would not be the same without you.

Anonymous said...

I'm here! And I'm glad you're here!


beth said...

I'm here! I like popcorn.

Happy Blog Birthday (coming up).

Sarah Stevenson said...

I love this post...and I'm SO glad you haven't quit! I don't know where the kidlitosphere would be without you.

Karen said...

Let me just say I'm glad you're not giving up the blog as you approach your 4th birthday. I've loved the Comment Challenge and I live for the weekend after school when the 48 hour Challenge begins.
I've loved reading your blog these past few years; thanks for your contribution to the kidlitosphere!

Sharon K. Mayhew said...

I have learned so much from visiting other people's blogs. I'm enjoying the challenge. I have no idea how many blogs I visit each day, but I've been busy. Have a great weekend.

Katie said...

Delurking to simply say, I'm here. And have been here for over a year, loving every minute of it. :D

Caroline said...

Congratulations on your upcoming blog birthday! My Book Review blog is just a baby, but I've been keeping a personal blog for almost four years (my blog birthday is coming up in February!). I stopped for awhile, but I really missed it. It hasn't been easy to get back into it, but I think it's really worth it.

Thank you, thank you again for the comment challenge!

Anonymous said...

Happy Blog Birthday!
Thanks for everything, and for your openness. :)

MotherReader said...

I should have put in this link in the first place, but here is how one compares pandas and Ashton Kutcher:


Jan von Harz said...

Love the metaphor! Your comment challenges has really been fun for me. Since I am a newbie getting started, I find blogging is fun and difficult all at the same time.Consequently, I have really enjoyed seeing what other blogger talk about and learned at lot in the process. So I am glad you haven't stopped writing. Happy Anniversary.

Kathy Martin said...

Great post! I do try to comment and am taking part in your comment challenge too. Thanks for the opportunity to connect with other readers.

NeutralGround said...

Hello everyone, I'm here too...lurking as usual because I don't feel like I have anything of use to contribute.

Sherry said...

Thanks you, Mother Reader, for the Comment Challenge, for your blog, and for your presence on the web. Even when we don't agree :), I learn from your posts and comments, and you often make me smile with your own brand of humor.

Keep blogging.

Melissa said...

Pandas to Ashton Kutcher, huh? I'll have to think about that one...

I love having you around, Pam. Thanks for not giving up. :-)

Lee Wind, M.Ed. said...

Awesomeness - well said. You continue to be an inspiration to so many of us - and what an accomplishment 4 years of your amazing blog will be!
I'll be there cheering for you in the first row,
namaste and a Hug,

meggan said...

Just discovered you.
I'm here and I'm glad you're still here.

Hannah said...

Very inspiring! An apt comparison of blog commenters to gas in the hybrid. So, so true.

Anonymous said...

The comment challenge ahas also made me find time to create more posts for my blog. I have been lax this year.

Anna Alter said...

Congrats on year four!! And please don't quit, you would be missed :)