Actually, that FAQ can’t stand for Frequently Asked Questions, because there were indeed very few questions that needed answers. So let’s call it a Few Answers to Questions (that you might think of asking at some point).
The basics are that Lee Wind and I are taking the much-noted “twenty-one days to form a new habit” to get commenting back on our and your radar by running the Comment Challenge from Friday, January 8, through Thursday, January 28. The goal is to comment on at least five book blogs a day. We’ll keep track of our numbers, report in on Thursdays for support, and have prizes awarded at random to bloggers who’ve passed the 100 Comment Mark along with some random participation prizes. Here are some questions I received last year and my answers.
Where do I sign up?
Sign up at the Friday, January 8th post, either here at MotherReader or with Lee Wind, my co-conspirator. (Note: Direct links will be added on Friday.)
If I don’t start on that Friday, is it too late to start?
No. You can either up your number of comments per day if you want to make the 100 Comment mark, or you can set your own goal and join us for the support and camaraderie.
Five comments a day! How can I do that?
Feel free to set your own goal. Maybe start smaller and build up. Maybe aim for one thoughtful comment and two “I can’t wait to read that!” comments a day.
Does it have to be exactly five daily comments, or can they be averaged?
I will say that it sets the habit better if you make a point to comment every day that you’re reading blogs, but you don’t have to hit exactly five comments every day. Averaging them together is fine.
Does Young Adult blogging count as kidlitosphere?
YA Lit is totally included in the kidlit world. We just haven’t been able to come up with a catchier term than Kid Lit Bloggers or Kidlitosphere and believe me, we’ve tried.
Do you have to be an exclusive kid lit blogger?
No, you don’t have to be exclusive to kid lit. We’re only pushing the Comment Challenge within the kidlitosphere to boost the energy in our community. We don’t want the knitting blogs to get the fruits of our commenting labor. The challenge is open it to any book blogger who would like to participate. Especially those who would like to find out more about the wonderful world of KidLit/YA Blogging.
Is there a special tracking system?
Well, mine is a Post-It note. We’re on the honor system here, so track your own comments however you see fit. However, I don’t recommend tattoos.
What are the prizes?
I’m working on it. If you have something special you’d like to donate signed books, original art, crafty ventures send me an email at MotherReader AT gmail DOT com.
Are there bonus points for branching out in your blog reading and commenting?
That’s giving Lee and me far more credit for tracking this thing than we deserve. So, uh... no. But personally, I find it easier to spread my comments around among lots of blogs because I find I have more to say.
Will there be a list of participants whose blogs I can make a special effort to visit as fellow Comment Challengers?
Why isn’t anyone coming back to my blog?
Make sure that your profile links back to your blog. I’ve often tried to follow comments on my own blog back to the writer only to find that the profile is blocked or leads to an old blog.
Any other questions? You can ask them in... the comments.
What a wonderful idea! I'll be on the lookout for the sign up post on Friday. I look forward to participating :)
I'll try that again -
I'm so excited I forgot how to conjugate!
Great summary of questions and answers, MotherReader!
I just stumbled across this blog with the "next blog" link, but I'm looking forward to participating!
And, I'm just making sure the link to my book blog works from here...
Two questions:
1. What if we comment more than once on different posts of the same blog?
2. Does this count as my first comment? :D
Elisabeth, you can comment on more than one post on a blog and count each as a separate comment. And, yes, your comment here counts. ;^)
The post-it note method is just mt style!
I just found a new use for my lovely Moleskine 12-mini-book calendar I got... comment-counter :) I'm trying for at least 10 today since I missed most of Day 1. I don't think it will be difficult... I am easily distracted and led from blog to blog, so I will spread the comment fever!
This is a great idea. I wish I'd seen this sooner. I've been trying to reach out to other writers and teachers in the last few weeks, so I've been commenting a lot.
In fact, a blogger is doing a challenge of at least four for today:
Good FAQ-I came here before inundating you with a question and found my answer.
Thanks for posting the FAQs. It helped motivate me to think I could set my own goals if I fell short of the five per day!
Thanks, MotherReader!
The FAQ really does work best because if you get me typing or talking... well one question just follows another.
Now I need to work on which button to push :)
You are dragging me kicking and screaming out of the lurking mode and into the lurking mode. But only because I really, really like both of you.
This is a fantastic idea!
I just noticed the words on your banner. "The heart of a mother. The soul of a reader. The mouth of a smartass." LOL, I love it.
A little late to the party but thankful I found out about it before February :)
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