105 Ways to Give a Book

Nonfiction Monday: Zooborns: The Next Generation

That's right, another animal book. This has been a somewhat intense summer, so I'd like to surround myself with adorable pictures of baby animals for a while.

Zooborns: The Next Generation
by Andrew Bleiman and Chris Eastland

Simon & Schuster 2012, review from library copy
Zooborns: The Next GenerationCertainly, this book delivers on its promise of cute baby animals from zoos across the world. But along the way, it draws in the reader with stories about the particular baby animal - if it was rescued, abandoned or endangered - and information about the species and conservation. While the pictures dominate the spreads, the text goes beyond dry facts with an engaging tone. For instance in talking about an eagle chick, "While Caspian may be fluffy and awkward as a chick, as an adult he could have a wingspan six feet long, making him fully capable of hunting small deer." Some words may be difficult for the elementary school crowd, but the book itself is perfect for their interests and even a great size for smaller hands. This new title would make a great addition to any public, classroom, or home library.

For more Nonfiction Monday selections, visit the host of the round-up at Wrapped in Foil.

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Resh said...

Looks adorable! We recently read a book on Sloths and DD loved it. Its good for kids to know where the animals in the zoos come from and why they are kept there. Thanks for sharing this on NF MOnday.

Jeanne Walker Harvey said...

Yes, one can never go wrong with baby animal photos. This looks like a sweet and informative book.

Roberta said...

Sorry to hear your summer has been intense, but I agree cuddly baby animals should be helpful.

Such a cute cover...

Jeff Barger said...

Those photos are indeed a good hook, although my second graders would be more intrigued by the eagle chick growing up to be a deer hunter. Thanks for sharing and good luck with your intense summer.

GatheringBooks said...

The book cover looks adorable! Thank you for sharing this, will look for it in our library.