Here’s the schedule for the past week, so you can go back and see the features. As previously, this schedule links to the participating blogs, instead of to the individual posts. You can find links to the posts themselves, and any last-minute updates, each morning at 7-Imp. Jules and Eisha have also set up a special page at 7-Imp containing a comprehensive list of links to the profiles posted so far. Also not to be missed is Kris Bordessa’s post summarizing snowflake-related contests to date over at Paradise Found.
Monday, November 5
- Ana Alter at The Longstockings
- Laura Huliska Beith at Just One More Book!!
- Cece Bell at Jo’s Journal
- Denise Ortakales at cynthialord’s Journal
- Carol Heyer at The Shady Glade
- Joe Kulka at ChatRabbit
- Steven James Petruccio at Blog From the Windowsill
- Carol Schwartz at Jama Rattigan’s Alphabet Soup
- Jeff Ebbeler at Sam Riddleburger’s blog
- Scott Magoon at Just One More Book!!
- Connie McLennan at The Shady Glade
- Julie Paschkis at the excelsior file
- Genevieve Cote at a wrung sponge
- Linda Graves at Your Neighborhood Librarian
- James Gurney at Charlotte’s Library
- Matt Tavares at Please Come Flying
- Susan Kathleen Hartung at Wild Rose Reader
- Mary Peterson at Brooklyn Arden
- Annette Simon at Check It Out and Deo Writer
- Melanie Watt at Whimsy Books
- R.W. Alley at at Jama Rattigan’s Alphabet Soup
- Jeannie Brett at cynthialord’s Journal
- Daniel Mahoney at Paradise Found
- Amy Young at Kate’s Book Blog
- Tim Coffey at The Silver Lining
- Elizabeth Dulemba at sruble’s world
- Chris Gall at Through the Studio Door
- Amy Schimler at Please Come Flying
Please take time out to visit these blogs, and read about these fabulous illustrators. And, if you’re so inclined, think about bidding for a snowflake in the Robert’s Snow auction. Each snowflake makes a unique gift (for yourself or for someone else), and supports an important cause.
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