The poems cover a variety of topics, many of them true oddities. The Shortest Street. The Dumbest Dinosaur. The Largest Mantle of Bees. My favorite two records used are The Most Live Scorpions Eaten by a Human and The Most Cobras Kissed Consecutively, but the poem I’ll share is one that reminds me of summer:
The Tallest Roller Coaster
You’re swerving north,The poem reminds me of my youngest daughter’s first roller coaster experience, when she was seven. She really wanted to go, having second thoughts only as we got to the end of the line. She sat next to me without too much encouragement, but as the train started creeping up the first hill she said quietly, “I don’t think I like this.” Then as the roller coaster made its first dive, she shouted “MOMMMMMMYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!” I felt so bad for her and at the same time, I couldn’t stop laughing. Which made me feel even worse. Honestly, it’s still funny thinking of it now. But just like the poem, after a little rest, she wanted to try the roller coaster again.
You’re curving south,
Your stomach sits
Inside your mouth.
You hold your breath,
You lose your nerve,
You’re scared to death
At every curve.
You’re feeling very
Sick, but then
You tell your Dad,
“Let’s go again!”
Poetry Friday is hosted over at Big A, little a.
Hee hee hee!
I'm pretty sure we shouldn't be laughing at your daughter, here. *cough* So, it's about the poem. It's ADORABLE.
What I love about you is that you never lie and say you DON'T laugh at your kids. In a sympathetic kind of way, of course...!
The exact same thing happened with my little brother at Opryland. We were on our way, all four of us kids, up the steep roller coaster hill, when he said he wanted OUT. I don't think he got back on like your daughter, though, so good on her!
My favorites are the scorpions and the cobras, too!
Fabulous idea for a collection of poetry. Now I must get the book so I can read about the scorpions and cobras.
I love that poem, thanks for sharing :) very sweet :)))
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