105 Ways to Give a Book

BACA Alert: Hell to the No!

BACAAs Bloggers Against Celebrity Authors founder and, let’s say, president, I claim the end of life as we know it following this announcement:

Tyra Banks Signs Multi-Book Deal With Delacorte Press

“Delacorte Press has acquired MODELLAND, the first novel in a three-book series written by international, entertainment, and media icon Tyra Banks... Drawing from an area of expertise she is avidly passionate about, Tyra’s MODELLAND is the story of a teen girl in a make-believe society who finds herself competing for a way of life that’s both hotly desired and woefully out of reach at an academy for Intoxibellas, the most exceptional models known to humankind. As the plot unfolds, readers will uncover lessons that are buried beneath the surface of this magical world.”
Category: 21 comments


Abby said...

OMG. I am not ashamed to admit that I watch America's Next Top Model every week, but this? Sounds atrocious. OY.

Kori said...

One word. Intoxibellas.

teacherninja said...


Bill said...

Wait, this has got to be some kind of delayed April Fools joke, right?


jenn said...

Oh, this sounds awful (but like Abby, not ashamed to admit I like me some AMTM). But I think I'm one of the few in the minority that doesn't mind the celebrity books. Not interested in reading or purchasing them, but other people are and if it helps bring in more money to publishers who can then afford to take a chance on a plucky unknown writer like say, ME, then okey-dokey. Also, who would we talk smack about if it weren't for the celebrities?

Kristina said...

Puke now, please.

I am SO over Tyra Banks. She's so arrogant and wants everything to be about her. I really dislike her, and I'm sure these books will be terrible.

jhank623 said...

Who's going to help her spell the big words?

morninglight mama said...

Oh, could this please get made fun of on The Soup, because he takes Tara to town so frequently on there and always cracks me up!

I'm not a fan of the celebrity "authored" books, myself, with a few exceptions perhaps, but this one is most definitely a sad, sad shame.

tanita✿davis said...

INTOXIBELLA: noun Drunk waify girls whose magical power is to appear beautiful whilst purging

Terry Doherty said...

I'll vote with Kristina on this one. I TRIED to watch ANTM when we had a local gal, but it just ... yuck. THIS is why we need active BACA chapters in every state!

Suzanne Casamento said...

Oh. That's worse than Madonna writing picture books. Seriously?

GreenBeanTeenQueen said...

This really is the worst news ever-I groaned when I saw this headline!

Leila said...

Blecch. Blecch blecch blecch.

Steph said...

O.K. -- I have a confession. I am so far out of the popular culture loop that not only have I never heard of American's Next Top Model, I have no idea who the hell Tyra Banks is. :-D

Shannan said...

Ugh. Just Ugh. Any time the blurb feels the need to tell me that I'll "uncover" some kind of lesson while reading I know it's going to be bad - celebrity written or not. Jeez.

Elaine Magliaro said...

I'm with Kristina and Terry on this one!

Anonymous said...

It sounds so very bad that I'm probably going to have to read it. I mean, "MODELLAND" makes me laugh every time I see it all by itself.

Summer said...

Blahahaha! Thank you so much for this little post and for the BACA info in general. I have been in a huff for weeks about Fergie's children's literature scam (IMHO) and thought I was all alone. I agree, No to Tyra!!

Summer said...

Sorry, I meant to leave my url with my comment, but in all my Anti-tyra angst, I missed the button somehow....thanks!

tina kugler said...

I have just discovered BACA, and ohhh THANK YOU. I used to own a children's bookshop, and after that I worked in the Youth dept of a public library, and god-awful celebrity-authored bestsellers MADE ME CRAZY. So thank you for being here.

Perogyo said...

I just saw your Baca button on the side of your blog. Did you know Baca means idiot in Japanese? Pretty fitting for some of these books!