105 Ways to Give a Book

ALA Experience: Intermission

I’m visiting my mom, brother, and niece in Virginia Beach right now, which is making it harder to finish my ALA recap. Especially since I shouldn’t even have Internet access at my mom’s house, but by some wireless miracle I’m online. But the access is inconsistent and the beach is calling, so rather than work up the extensive post I need to do on the uber-exciting Newbery/Caldecott banquet, we’re taking an intermission with this awesome video done by Katie Davis. And I’m not saying it’s fantastic because I’m in it — though I am, and I rock it — but because her question was a perfect way to elicit interesting responses from some notable children’s and young adult authors. Enjoy!

Category: 3 comments


Anonymous said...

Thanks, Pam! You DID rock it! And I have to give props to my 16-year-old son, Benny, who thought up the question!

Debbie - Families and Literacy said...

What a fun video! I have no idea what I would answer. Maybe something from one of Diana Wynne Jones' books? Oh, I know! Chrestomanci's tailor. He does have some pretty fabulous dressing gowns, and someone has to make them!

Thanks for sharing :)

Carol H Rasco said...

This is wonderful! Benny gave Katie a great, great question! I am going to have to think hard about the job I want...rose grower, chocolate taster, pianist...I'll be back later!