105 Ways to Give a Book

Comment Challenge Winners

I mean, other than us all being winners for participating, connecting, and learning during the Comment Challenge. I had fully intended to share the winning names selected from both those who reached one hundred comments and those that didn't. But as it turns out, I'm not going to because Lee Wind did it better... and he is the one providing the prize packages. So head over there for your Comment Challenge 2012 winners, and tune in next year to do it all again!

Thanks to all for being part of it and to Lee for keeping me ever inspired!


Bill Kirk said...

Looks like I'm your first (and possibly last?) comment on this post. Just wanted to report that I continued to the end and finally commented on the last blog on the Comment Challenge list. Whew! It's been an interesting exercise to see the great variety of blogs and subject matter out there in just this relatively small sample. I also joined about 100 blogs and the followers on my site increased by around 30 percent. I'm glad I signed on for the challenge and am looking forward to next year.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, I'm so grateful for the comment challenge. You and Lee Rock!