105 Ways to Give a Book

Nonfiction Monday: Citizen Scientists

A Nonfiction Monday contribution, with the round-up hosted at Perogies & Gyoza

Citizen Scientists: Be a Part of Scientific Discovery from Your Own Backyard
by Loree Griffin Burns, photographs by Ellen Harasimowicz

Henry Holt and Co, 2012 review from library copy

Citizen Scientists: Be a Part of Scientific Discovery from Your Own BackyardWell written and skillfully executed, this is the kind of book that could get kids excited about science by making their contributions to it more tangible. Sections show citizen scientists in each of the four seasons - Fall Butterflying, Winter Birding, Spring Frogging, and Summer Ladybugging - along with information on the background and research goals of each venture. The layout is attractive with different styles reflecting the type of information presented with good use of color, patterns, and photography. The concept of citizen scientists is explained and reinforced throughout describing being in the field, with page spreads focusing on a particular person involved in the research and lists of what you will need to prepare. There are also some quizzes, but there is no grade. The end of the book is full of information on taking the adventure from book to real life with books, field guides, and internet resources to the various organizations. The book provides a thorough bibliography, glossary, and index, along with the answers to the quizzes. An interesting and accessible look at science and scientists.

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Alex said...

I thought this was one of the best science books I have seen for kids in a long time. I loved that the author never condescented to her readers.

Alexis Marlons said...

This will be great for my son..He just loves experimenting on just about anything! Good post!