Suppose you’ve written a Young Adult or children’s book that is being published this fall and are looking for promotion opportunities. You may plan on doing a few signings, and are hoping people will come. You’re probably talking about the upcoming release on your blog, but you’re not sure anyone is reading it. Your publisher is sending out copies or press releases to journals, newspapers, and bloggers, but you don’t know how your book will stand out in the many books that come out each season.
What’s an author to do?

Well, if you’re an author living on the East Coast, you should be signing up for the
KidLitosphere Conference on October 17th in Washington, DC. With the $100 registration fee, you’ll spend the day on Saturday learning how to improve your blog or start a blog in ways that can help your book. You’ll bring along a few copies to show off at the Meet the Author session, where you’ll tell a bunch of Kidlit/YA book bloggers about your latest title. You’ll spend the dinner (paid for with the registration) socializing with these book bloggers and other authors. Some may call it networking. Perhaps on Sunday you can go arrange a book signing, particularly if you contact the organizer, who is looking for some committed authors to do such a thing. And maybe with a signing, your publisher might pay for some or all of your expenses.
If you live in New York City, you can take the bus to save money with a round-trip bus ride on
Washington Deluxe costing only $40. (I’ve taken it three times, and loved it.) Sharing a room with an author friend would put you at $110 for both nights at the
Sheraton Crystal City Hotel, or come with family and make a mini-vacation. If you’re here Friday afternoon, you can join the group for a free tour of the Library of Congress, or you can visit any of the Smithsonian museums on your own, also free. Of course, if you live near Washington, DC, you don’t even have the hotel expenses.
So, what are you waiting for? Register now for the
KidLitosphere Conference.
Problem solved.
My "go to the conference" post is scheduled for tomorrow, and I just revised it to link to this.
I don't have the graphics talent to create it -- but is there a button or badge out there for our blogs to say "I'm attending the kidlit conference"?
Great post -- I'm convinced!
I wish I could go, can't make it.
From Concord, Ca.
Liz (et al.) — There is finally a promotional badge up! Check out the main site page and grab away!
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