105 Ways to Give a Book

Bloggiesta Results

While Bloggiesta may not have solved all my bloggy problems, the weekend did get me on the right track. I only ended up spending fourteen hours on the challenge, which was less than I had hoped for. However, I did accomplish most of my goals.

I did finish my comments for the Comment Challenge, where I’ve been visiting the blogs of the participants. I made notes on my library books and returned them. I finished the notes on the Cybils picture books and have them packed and ready to send out. I went through my MotherReader email and deleted loads of emails. The ones that remain aren’t all that scary to deal with either. I looked at five of the mini-challenges, but I think I only officially participated in two.

I wish I could have done more, but I realized that I don’t like too much time spent on the “working” aspect of the blog. And when it’s something I feel like I have to do, then it becomes work. But in tackling the projects this weekend, I thought of some better strategies for doing the working aspects, so hopefully I can carry through on that.

Thanks to Natasha at Maw Books for organizing the event. See you next year!


Beth said...

Your blog seems fresh and sparkling now. Good work!

Beth, who spent bloggiesta reclining on her blogging couch and lazily cheering on the participants

The Pen and Ink Blogspot said...

I was working on the comment challenge when I got a surprise virus. Not sure which of the blogging sites gave it to me. was taking them off your list. I hear Twitter had a problem with this virus too and I had twitter open.
Howsomeever...If a message pops up on your screen and takes over saying Microsoft security alert. Your Computer has been attacked, DO NOT CLICK ON ANYTHING. Turn off your computer immediately and pray. I am now virus free but it took the rest of the night and half the morning and excellent help from my SuperGeek

The Pen and Ink Blogspot said...

I forgot. Our blog is all fresh and sparkly now (courtesy of Lupe) and Hilde just posted on How I made my Children Readers (It's a little unusual, but it worked)http://thepenandinkblog.blogspot.com/

Madigan Mirza said...

I'm glad I did Bloggiesta. It's funny... I don't like working on or posting about those nuts and bolts, behind-the-scenes blog related stuff either, but it sure does feel great to have gotten so much done!