105 Ways to Give a Book

A Midsummer Night's Dream

I'm heading off shortly to sell tickets at lunchtime for the Teen's fall play. The high school is doing a creative adaptation of A Midsummer's Night Dream that involves the show Madmen and it's setting of 1960's New York City. There is a particularly interesting costume interpretation of the fairies in the woods of Central Park that is knocking me out. I seriously love the punkish Oberon and his fairy crew. I've seen some great photos from the show, but I'm wary of sharing pictures of other kids online. This one seems okay to me as the focus is Titania, otherwise known as my lovely daughter Anna, and there's a sense of the cool costuming without a clear look at any of the other characters.

Cool, right? If you're in the Northern Virginia area and want to see a great show, it's Thursday at 7:30 p.m., Friday at 8:00 p.m., and Saturday at 2 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. at Lake Braddock. I'm going Thursday... and Friday and Saturday night. Hey, it's my kid as the fairy queen, who could resist!


tanita✿davis said...

Was just discussing with a couple of friends how theater gave us so much confidence in high school, and what a gift it was.

I'm so glad the lovely Anna is getting her share of the spotlight.

Little Willow said...

Just seeing this now! She looks awesome! :) Tell her I'm sending break-a-leg wishes for whatever project comes next!