105 Ways to Give a Book

The Comment Challenge 2013

It’s BACK! Now that it has become a habit, Lee Wind and I are bringing The Comment Challenge to your January — the perfect time of year to make a new resolution to connect more with your fellow bloggers.

Since it is said that it takes twenty-one days to form a new habit, we’re going to run the Comment Challenge for the next three weeks — starting today Friday, January 11, and running through Thursday, January 31, 2013. The goal is to comment on at least five book blogs a day. Keep track of your numbers, and check in here on Thursday for an inspirational post and group support. We’ll tell each other how we’re doing and keep each other fired up. On Thursday, January 31, Lee will post the final check-in post for the Comment Challenge. Prizes will be involved, drawing from among the bloggers who reach the 100 Comment Mark (five comments a day for twenty-one days with one day free of comment charge). It’s also pretty likely that we’ll award some random door prizes for trying, because why not? I’m including the Frequently Asked Questions and pointing you to Lee Wind to sign-up... TODAY!

If I don’t start on that first day, is it too late to start?

No. You can either up your number of comments per day if you want to make the 100 Comment mark, or you can set your own goal and join us for the support and camaraderie.

Five comments a day! How can I do that?

Feel free to set your own goal. Maybe start smaller and build up. Maybe aim for one thoughtful comment and two “I can’t wait to read that!” comments a day. But honestly, it’s easier than it sounds. Think how many comments you leave on Facebook or replies on Twitter. It’s doable.

Does it have to be exactly five daily comments, or can they be averaged?

I will say that it sets the habit better if you make a point to comment every day that you’re reading blogs, but you don’t have to hit exactly five comments every day. Averaging them together is fine.

Do you have to comment at a hundred different blogs or only blogs that are new to you?

No and no. You can use this as an opportunity to reconnect with the blogs you know. But personally, I find it easier to spread my comments around among lots of blogs because I find I have more to say.

Do you have to be an KidLit/YA book blogger to participate?

No, all book bloggers are welcome. We’re only pushing the Comment Challenge within the kidlitosphere to boost the energy in our community. I mean, we don’t want the knitting blogs to get the fruits of our commenting labor. The challenge is open it to any book blogger who would like to participate. Especially those who would like to find out more about the wonderful world of KidLit/YA Blogging.

Is there a special tracking system?

Well, mine is a Post-It note. We’re on the honor system here, so track your own comments however you see fit. However, I don’t recommend tattoos. Been there, done that.

What are the prizes?

I’m guessing books. If you have something special you’d like to donate — signed books, original art, crafty ventures — send me an email at MotherReader AT gmail DOT com.

Will there be a list of participants whose blogs I can make a special effort to visit as fellow Comment Challengers?

Yes. The sign-up list at I'm Here I'm Queer, What Do I Read?

Questions? Ask in the... comments.


Rachel Schieffelbein said...

I had just started blogging when I did this last year. It was a great idea! I was totally someone who would have just read and not said a word. Now I almost always comment.

Abby said...

Oh yay! I was just wondering if this was going to happen this year and I'm so happy that it is! :D Thanks for hosting! :D

Melissa Wiley said...

Hooray! One of my favorite blog events of the year.


Playing by the book said...

Really VERY glad this is back! Thanks for your work on it.

Lee Wind, M.Ed. said...

YAY! Nothing starts a year off better than The COMMENT CHALLENGE! Thanks MotherReader for hosting this with me!

Gail Gauthier said...

At my blog, I've been pushing building community for writers. So I've done a post on this event, as an opportunity to build community for blogging writers.

A Journey Illustrated said...

Thanks for doing this again. I agree with Lee - what a great way to start the year!

Joanna said...

Thanks for being a host again this year.

Even in Australia said...

I'm excited to be doing this again this year!

Melissa said...

*throws hat into the ring*

I need to remember to reach out and comment, when I can. I'm going to try for five on my days that I have off, and three on the days I work. Let's see how I do.

Thanks for hosing!

Jeanette W. Stickel said...

What a great idea - I missed it last year.

Julie said...

Coming across your post is a bit serendipitous -- I'm an avid blog reader but have only just read. With the arrival of 2013 I decided I needed to engage by commenting. Next I'll check out

Charlotte said...

I am all signed up! Thanks Pam and Lee!

The Pen and Ink Blogspot said...

Hooray. We are back. I wish everyone would turn off "Prove you are not a robot" during the challenge. We turned it off at Pen and Ink a couple of years ago. If you are moderationg your comments, spam is not a big problem. And it's so hard to read these works . The new shadowed numbers make me think I must be a robot because I can't read them. I turned it to large print and I still can't see those numbers. I can tell I will have to do this more than once. Please consider turning off.

Beth said...

Hey, I had already posted a comment before I saw that the Comment Challenge was back on. I'm totally counting that one.

I think a comment a day will be a good long term goal, but five a day for three weeks will be a good way to start.

Donna L Martin said...

Greetings! I just heard about this comment challenge and thought I would join this year. Thanks for the opportunity!

Donna L Martin

skanny17 said...

I am getting ready to launch a blog, but don't have one yet. I am going to "join" this challenge on my own as I already try to comment, but sometimes I don't visit a wide range of blogs. I am interested in poetry so tend to go to those more and also sites for teachers. BUT I LOVE books, so I want to visit more blog sites.
Janet F.

molly @ wrapped up in books said...

what a fun challenge! I heard about it from Abby the Librarian and I've been trying to make it a point to participate more in the book blogging community in a positive way, and this is a great start.

Michelle Cusolito said...

I'm excited to participate again. I found last year so rewarding. Once the challenge was over, I didn't continue to comment on 5 per day BUT I did get in the habit of leaving comments on blogs rather than just being a consumer. I made new "virtual" friends and met one in person at the SCBWI-NE conference in April (Hi Heather! :).

Since I'll be away from the internet for a few days this coming weekend, I'm leaving extra comments each day this week so I can still meet my goal.

S. Mozer said...

Thanks for helping to organize this. I'm having fun participating.

Carmela Martino said...

Thanks so much for running this again this year. Just what I need to get back into the blog-reading habit.

Tabitha said...

This is exactly what I need! I kind of fell out of the blogosphere last year and this is a great way to get back in. Thanks!

Dana Elmendorf said...

I did it. I signed up. ANd not only is it getting me in the habit of commenting, its making me keep up with my own blogging.

Unknown said...

I'm so late to the party but I'm really glad this is going again this year! Time to catch up on all those blogs I haven't been reading, plus find some new gems. :)