I have some great offers of donated prizes, but could certainly use more. It would be best if it were book-related, but anything can be book-related if you really try. You may not be able to top these (ahem, fake) prizes, but it’s not like you can’t try. Roger is actually in for one “stoked,” which is like a little prize for everyone.
On a related note of donations (I hope), the famous haiku shirt has been reprinted over at Threadless. I kid you not. Thanks to Check It Out for letting me know, and for apparently nagging them endlessly until they reprinted it. Now we can all work on the reprint of I’m A Noun!, the shirt owned by MotherReader and her two kids, for the hippest mother/daughter outfits ever.
Our own Fuse#8 went and got herself published in the Horn Book, with an article on kit lit blogging and a list of recommended sites. Mega-tastic! (Note: after googling that term, it turns out it may not be in the slang vernacular after all. It’s more like I made it up. Which, actually, might make it even funnier if it appeared on the Horn Book blog.)
In a MotherReader rarity, I plan to post again today. My April book reviewing or book sharing was a little light, and now my reviews are backing up like a public toilet at RFK Stadium (Go Nats!)
"my reviews are backing up like a public toilet at RFK Stadium"
Good luck on the 48 Hour film project. Sounds absolutely crazy but totally, totally fun. Can't wait to hear about it.
And cool name right back at you, MotherReader. I'm laying in my supply of books right now for my "oh, well, as many as I can in my half-assed way" contribution to your 48-hour challenge: Just ordered copies of The Astonishing Life of Octavian Nothing and Bermudez Triangle. This is gonna be awesome!
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