105 Ways to Give a Book

Booktalking, High School Edition

This afternoon I’m going to talk to a high school book group about some newish titles. I don’t want to go too new, because I suspect that the high schools here are even farther behind on ordering than the public library. The talk will be much more casual than when I went to the middle school last week because it’s a much smaller group. The librarian said I can pretty much suggest anything, but then she mentioned that a lot of the book group’s members were Mormons.

I feel like that Seinfeld episode where his agent told Jerry that his airline pilot was in the audience and not to freak out. So while it wouldn’t have mattered, now that he’s heard that statement, he freaks out and freezes on stage.

Some of the books I was bringing may or do have some sex and other high school issues. The librarian reassured me that I can bring any books, but I’m feeling more self-conscious about it now. Also, since it’s a new school year, she doesn’t know who will be in the group for certain — leaving it wide open for age, gender, religion, and interests — or how many teens will even be there.

I’m bringing a bunch of books, and I’m just keeping it real. I’ll mention:
If it all goes well and I don’t choke on my tongue or curse unnecessarily, the librarian may have me back to talk to this group again — or even better, to larger groups in the high school. So, here’s a toast to me not freaking out today.


Emy said...

Eh, maybe these kids will be more like Ken Jennings than ... well, whatever you're worried about.

Cheryl said...

Good luck with your talk! I hope it goes well. Let us know how it goes. I really like some of the books you've chosen. I love Nancy Werlin's stuff.

Brooke said...

Yay! I happen to be a Mormon myself, and I'm happy to see that you chose Robin Brande's book to be on your list. It's a book that I really, really wish I could have read when I was fifteen. So, so good.

Robin Brande said...

Hey, Mother Reader, thanks for including me! I'm honored!

Robin Brande said...

And Brooke, I just read your comment. Wow! Thank you SO much! And if it doesn't sound weird to say this about my own book, I feel the same way--although mine were Baptist girl issues at 15.

Miriam said...

How did it go? I'm envious! You get to booktalk to high school kids! And you get to choose the books you want to talk about! Lucky you! I like your list, too. Which ones did the kids respond to best?

(I'll chime in on loving RULES OF SURVIVAL and EVOLUTION, ME...)

Saints and Spinners said...

MR: I'm toasting you with blueberry tea.