This morning, on September 11th, there are touching memorial services in New York City, in Pennsylvania, and at the Pentagon. I appreciate that you are covering these events live when it seems that all other channels are continuing with regular programming. I know that you are covering three simultaneous events live, and while I wish that you were doing a better job of it, I can understand the difficulty. I find the commercial interruptions extremely annoying, but I’m even willing, reluctantly, to let that go. However, I do have to say one thing to your anchors and reporters:
Every second, every pause does not need to be filled with the inane things coming out of your mouth. Perhaps people watching the memorial services and the official dedication of the Pentagon memorial would actually like to hear the people who are speaking there. Not you blathering on. Perhaps the pauses are to allow our own thoughts and to add to the gravity of the event. Not so you can fill them by wondering aloud about Donald Rumsfeld’s activities over the last few years. Perhaps showing the moment when the benches are uncovered is more important than you talking about how the benches are going to be uncovered soon.
I want to reflect, to remember, and to mourn. Please, allow me to do that without a constant stream of filler comments.
In aggravation,
1 comment:
I was channel surfing during the first real night of the Republican convention and kept hearing commentators talking about how the Republicans were wasting their evening with speeches that weren't getting their message out. But the cable station (and it may have been CNN) wasn't broadcasting the speeches, the commentators were yakking with one another while the speeches were being given in the background. So we only have the commentators' word for it that the speakers weren't getting the message (whatever it was) out, and the commentators were talking through the speeches, anyway. So who knows what was being said?
We have the technology for the people in the street to be exposed to all kinds of real-time events so they can process the information themselves--memorial services, conventions, speeches, name it. But it's not happening because someone is always there commenting on it and telling us what to think.
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