105 Ways to Give a Book

Effin’ Earth Day

So, what did you do for Earth Day?

Did you, for instance, agree to chaperone a seventh grade field trip to a local nature park, only to find out that instead of leisurely strolling through the woods while trained experts pointed out trees, you would be running eight twenty-minute sessions on an experiment about run-off that involved a city and country scenario with sponges as plant life and food dye as pollution and plastic animals to stand in for real animals who make pollution in the form of poo, which you would either have to encourage these seventh graders to realize on their own or to say it for them despite the giggles and/or the studied looks of disinterest that middle schoolers do so well, and all the while you are sitting on a damp fallen tree as the temperature drops to darn near chilly and the instructor keeps coming by with severe weather instructions, you know, just in case?

Did you do anything like that for Earth Day? No?

Then I win.


Bibliovore said...

Indeed you do. Kudos? Sympathies? Not sure which to offer.

teacherninja said...

Ok, you win! Definitely.

tanita✿davis said...

Dude, if I had known we were competing, I would have done something with giant slugs and a Girl Scout storytime. You definitely win. Ugh.

Sara said...

Win AND bonus points for the correct use of poo-based wit in an Earth Day blog post.

Tricia said...

Umm.... yeah, like I TEACH that experiment, though I don't recommend it in bad weather. Sorry they day wasn't better.

Melissa said...

No, I basked outside in 80 degree weather while trying to keep my girls from killing each other. Not nearly as adventuresome. (And I was even a wimp, and bowed out of chaperoning the huge Earth Day zoo trip today.) So, yeah, you do win.

Linda Urban said...

I recycled a pizza box.
You really, really win.

Suzanne Casamento said...

Yikes. That does not sound fun.

I hope you got a gold star for that!

BookMoot said...

You are a mother of the year!

A few years ago I spent Earth Day trying not to inhale exhaust fumes from dozens of idling school buses and picking up piles of litter left behind by from "earth conscious" school kids. I'm afraid the environment took a serious hit that day.