105 Ways to Give a Book

KidlitCon09: Four Days Away

This is about the time I usually get Conference Envy. You know what I mean, that feeling that everyone is going to this really cool event and you’re missing out because you couldn’t decide if you should put another activity on your schedule, but now it seems stupid that you opted to take on the dance rehearsal carpool again instead of asking your neighbor to do it so that you could do something for yourself for a change because Lord knows you DESERVE IT!

Or something like that. Perhaps instead you’re an author or editor realizing that the opportunity to present your new titles to forty book-reviewing bloggers isn’t something you should pass up in this dicey economy and saturated book market.

If you are experiencing Conference Envy after hearing about our Library of Congress tours, Friday night dinner, amazing conference panels, Meet the Author session, fun charity raffle, Twitter breakfast, and bookstore visit, well… I can still take a few more people for the Kidlitosphere Conference. Email me at MotherReader AT Gmail DOT com.

If you live in the area, and absolutely can’t make it Saturday, let me encourage you to come out to our author event at Hooray for Books! in Old Town Alexandria on Sunday, October 18th, from 1:00–3:00 p.m. Bring the kids. Bring the neighbor’s kids. Bribe a teen to join you. We’re going picture book to middle-grade first, and then tweens to teens second with:
1:00 p.m.
Cynthia Cotten presents Rain Play
Jacqueline Jules presents Unite or Die!
Sue Corbett presents Last Newspaper Boy

2:00 p.m.
Caroline Hickey presents Isabelle’s Boyfriend
Elizabeth Scott presents Something, Maybe
Paula Chase-Hyman presents Flipping the Script
Let people know about this wonderful chance to greet bloggers, meet authors, and buy books, all while supporting an independent bookstore and the Kidlitosphere Conference.

You can also join us in supporting Donors Choose for our KidlitCon09 charity, and specifically two projects at Washington, DC, schools — Literacy is Fun-damental and It All Starts With Reading!. If you’d like to send something for our charity raffle on Saturday, email me soon at MotherReader AT Gmail DOT com.

If you’re still reading because you want to be convinced to come to the KidLitosphere Conference, then I’ll remind you that the conference is open to bloggers, wannabe bloggers, and the blogger-curious, along with YA/Kidlit authors, illustrators, editors, and publishers.

The meeting is at the Sheraton Crystal City Hotel, from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., and will cover:
  • The Blog Within: An Interview With Your Inner Blogger
  • Building a Better Blog: Best Practices, Ideas, and Tips
  • Split Reviewer/Author Sessions:
    It’s All About the Blog: Approaches for Book Reviewing Bloggers
    It’s Not About Your Book: Writing Ideas for Blogging Authors
  • Social Networking with Gregory K.
  • Authors, Publishers, Reviewers (and ARCs): A Panel Conversation
  • Coming Together, Giving Back: Building Community, Literacy, and the Reading Message
There will also be a “Meet the Author” time during the day, where writers and illustrators can share their books. A fun dinner to mix and mingle is scheduled for 7:00 to 10:00 p.m. with the continuing party moving to the hotel bar. The registration fee for all of this — including the breakfast and dinner — is only $100. Can’t make the dinner? Email about a reduced conference-only fee.

Here’s who’s coming so far:
And authors and publishers including:


Tina's Blog said...

Yes, I do have conference envy. However, even though Peaceful Reader and I planned and talked about the Kidlit Con 09 for almost a year now, it is the same weekend as my middle daughter's birthday. And being in the midwest makes airfare really expensive since we don't have a major hub to fly out of. So, I will have to just be satisfied with hearing about yoru wonderful time this coming weekend, and thinking about KidlitCon10.

Pat from Ohio said...

I mostly have other blogger envy. I don't even have a blog and it seems like all the cool kids do. Sigh.

Saints and Spinners said...

I will miss seeing old friends and meeting new bloggers. Thank you for organizing KidlitCon09, MotherReader.

On the upside, I got to hear Gregory K. inspire his audience last night at the monthly SCBWI meeting in Seattle, WA. He's a great speaker.

Vivian Mahoney said...

This is going to be such a wonderful event--you did a great job organizing this conference, Pam! I admit it, I have conference envy.

holly cupala said...

I absolutely have conference envy. Last year's was one of the coolest conferences I have ever been to. Such a community of people. It looks like you've done it again with an amazing line-up! Have fun, everyone!

I caught that Gregory K. mtg last night, too, and it was like a mini-kidlit-reunion! Fantastic.

Suzanne Casamento said...

I've been experiencing conference envy for the last year and a half. Sigh. It's been the worst part of being broke. I can deal without new shoes or going out to dinner or going on vacation. But I've really hated missing out on all the conferences.

It's up to you to post great coverage on your blog! (Pretty please?)

Carol said...

I am in the midst of total conference envy/depression! If I didn't have football player sons, or if I could get the dang money tree in my basement to grow a little faster, I would totally be there! HAVE FUN!