105 Ways to Give a Book

KidlitCon09: NOW

So guess what? A representative from the Federal Trade Commission is coming to KidlitCon to talk to us about the new regulations for bloggers! Now do you wish you were coming?

Well, you still can. Shoot me an email so I’ll know to expect you, and plan on attending the Kidlitosphere Conference only for $50. Total deal — especially if your kid’s soccer game is going to be rained out anyway. Email me at MotherReader AT Gmail DOT com.

Here’s the info, yet again and for the last time. The conference is open to bloggers, wannabe bloggers, and the blogger-curious, along with YA/Kidlit authors, illustrators, editors, and publishers. The meeting is at the Sheraton Crystal City Hotel, from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., and will cover:
  • The Blog Within: An Interview With Your Inner Blogger
  • Building a Better Blog: Best Practices, Ideas, and Tips
  • Split Reviewer/Author Sessions:
    It’s All About the Blog: Approaches for Book Reviewing Bloggers
    It’s Not About Your Book: Writing Ideas for Blogging Authors
  • FTC Regulations and You
  • Social Networking with Gregory K.
  • Authors, Publishers, Reviewers (and ARCs): A Panel Conversation
  • Coming Together, Giving Back: Building Community, Literacy, and the Reading Message
There will also be a “Meet the Author” time during the day, where writers and illustrators can share their books.

I’ll be checking in online, but will mostly be occupied with, you know, the conference for a few days. Hope to see you there.


morninglight mama said...

MAN! Still can't be there, but I'm hoping that you'll blog about what he has to say. :)

Have a wonderful time tomorrow!!

Unknown said...

I have always wished I could come, but can't swing it!

Like Dawn, I hope you (and/or others) will blog it, and I have a question, which may or may not be in the official document.

It's about ARCs. Do they count the same way as a regular book. I would think not, because they don't really have street value.

Thanks -- and have fun!

Jackie said...

sigh. Sounds amazingly fantastic. $500+ for my flight if I were to do it. Can't possibly afford.

Suzanne Young said...


Lisa Yee said...

Wishing you a wonderful conference!!!

Patti said...

I'm so curious as to how you got a FTC representative to attend. I'm assuming you all contacted them? Kudos! I can't wait to read your reports!

Jules at 7-Imp said...

I'm stopping in to say have fun!

carolyn said...

Sigh, Extreme conference envy happening now. I'd say have fun but I know you are...

Della Ross Ferreri said...

Sounds like a wonderful event! I'm sure many of us are eager to hear about it. Hope you had a blast.


Karen said...

Pam - the conference rocked!! Thanks so much for all the work you did in planning and pulling together such a thoughtful event for us!!

jone said...

Heard you rocked it! Congratulations! Missed you all!

Lee Wind, M.Ed. said...

Okay, so pretty much all day of the conference I wished I was there...
can't wait to catch up with all the tweets...
Be I'm really excited that SO MANY COOL PEOPLE are there!
MotherReader, you ROCKED IT!