105 Ways to Give a Book

Comment Challenge 2010: Prizes

While I was heading down into Virginia Beach’s first significant snowstorm in twenty years, I left you time to sign in as having finished the Comment Challenge. Last night, I wrote down all the people who wrote on the finish line post here or with Lee Wind, adding a few people who had commented on an earlier post. I numbered the folks who made the 100 Commenter Club, and used Random.org to generate three numbers from that group. After all that, the winner of the prize packages are:
Please write me at MotherReader AT gmail DOT com with your address and the prize package you’d most appreciate. An extra prize package was donated from Reading Is Fundamental and I’ve decided to award it to one of the two top commenters: Kelly Polark, who logged in 214 comments! The other big commenter was Kathy Martin, with 223 comments, and who had been randomly selected to win a prize package. Congratulations to all!

I also drew random numbers from the entire group of seventy participants to select winners of prizes just for playing. I’ve tried to make a good match for each, and so...
Winners, please write me at MotherReader AT gmail DOT com with your address so I can get your prizes send your way.

Thanks again to everyone for being part of Comment Challenge 2010. We hope to see you next January, but we also hope that the commenting bug stays with you for the rest of the year. Read. Blog. Comment.

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Abby said...

I won a prize?! That's awesome! It's kind of too sappy to say, but I really feel like participating in the community building was its own reward. ANYhoo. Thanks for having this challenge! Now, let's see if we bloggers can continue the community building on our own. I think we can.

Kristi said...

Congrats to all of the winners! This challenge was so fun I'm going to keep it up!

Sherrie Petersen said...

Wow, more than 200 comments is really impressive! Congratulations to everyone who participated.

Kelly Polark said...

Yay! Thanks so much for the prize, but most of all thanks for the contest! It was excellent motivation!!
Keep commenting, bloggers! :)

Miss Pippi said...

Congratulations, everyone!

Saints and Spinners said...

Thanks for hosting this comment challenge along with Lee Wind! And congratulations to all of the prize-winners.

Anna Alter said...

Congrats to everyone! I want to see some of your recycled magazine jewelry :)

Amber Stults said...

Congratulations to the winners and all of the members of the 100 commenters club. :)

Anonymous said...

Congrats to all of the winners!!! YaY!!! ;D

MissA said...

Congrats to all the winners! This challenge was such fun :)

Also, MotherReader I don't want to ruin your posting! I appreciate the effort and it's necessary. I just don't want people to forget about Black History Month being celebrated for the rest of the year, not just a month. I too long for the day when the month isn't needed.

But I love all the new books/new information I find so I look forward to your posts :)

Lee Wind, M.Ed. said...

Thank you MotherReader for being our prize chief, and doing it so beautifully! Congratulations to the winners, and to everyone who participated!

Heather Hedin Singh said...

Thank you so much for the prize! I look forward to reading the Betsy books. Such a fun challenge--I hope to carry on the spirit of commenting. See you all "out there!"

Michelle said...

Congratulations to the winners!

I failed so monumentally at this challenge. I wanted to comment and find great new blogs but got so bogged down with other projects I never found the time. I'll be sifting through the list of participants over time though. It's a great resource despite the challenge being over.