by James Howe, illustrated by Randy Cecil

(Okay, this is a really stupid pet peeve on ballet books when you consider that this one features a dinosaur and others star dogs and mice, but kids don’t go on pointe — the tips of their toes — until they are in middle school. It irks me. And while I’m spouting off, what up with all the ballet books? Did we hit some cultural arts peak while I was off watching Dancing with the Stars? Really.)
Consider giving this book as a gift along with a pink tutu or look for 105 other ways to give a book.
The Letter B
Book: Grumpy Bird, by Jeremy Tankard
Fingerplay: “Two Little Dicky Birds”
Book: Dog and Bear, by Laura Vaccaro Seeger
Song: “Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear”
Book: Baby Bear, Baby Bear, What Do You See? written by Bill Martin, illustrated by Eric Carle
(Some call-and-response or singing or pausing to identify the animals can make this book more participatory.)
Book: Ha Ha, Baby! written by Kate Petty, illustrated by Georgie Birkett
Song: “Rock-a-Bye Baby”
Book: Bounce, written by Doreen Cronin, illustrated by Scott Menchin
(Then let the kids bounce on out.)
Go here for the full text of songs/rhymes/fingerplays.
Go here for more on how to win twenty-five picture books in the ABC Giveaway.
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The Bickleby's Birdbath by Andrea Perry, illustrated by Roberta Angaramo
The mailman for the Bickleby family fell into the birdbath. How it happened is a mystery. There is plenty of laugh-out-loud humor and opportunities to pause and ask "what do you think happened next?"
Other "B" books I like...
Brownie & Pearl Step Out by Cynthia Rylant
Bunny Days by Tao Nyeu
Birds by Kevin Henkes
Bears! Bears! Bears! by Bob Barner
All great for the preschool crowd. Thanks for sharing another wonderful storytime plan.
Brontorina looks like such a cute book! I know the perfect (adult) person to give it to this Christmas (minus the tutu, probably).
Also, I have to second Bridget's suggestion of Bears! Bears! Bears!
How about the Bat books: Bats at the Beach, Bats at the Library, and Bats at the Ballpark. Such gorgeous illustrations!
I'm happy to be at least a little ways away from ballet books...
I share your en pointe pet peeve. We find James Mayhew's Ella Bella books to be tolerable ballet books as they tell the stories of famous ballets within the story.
I know it's another song book, but I love Baby Beluga by Raffi. So many Bs, and so many opportunities for related movement.
I love Grumpy Bird with all of my heart. Another B book I had tons of fun with was BIG BAD BUNNY by Franny Billingsley.
I absolutely love Big Plans by Bob Shea and Lane Smith. It's a big book and my elementary students love checking it out too! :)
Because of Winn Dixie. Love it as a Read Aloud in third or fourth grade.
I love Karma Wilson's Bear books. "Bear Wants More" is probably the one I like the best.
And although it's probably not an ideal group storytime book, my favorite picture book of all time is Macaulay's "Black and White."
- AZ
Personally, my favorite ballet book is Rachel Isadora's Max.
I like Bye Bye Baby, by the Ahlbergs (sp?) Nicely surreal, but loving withal.
Another "B" book:
Big Dreams by Eric Hallam
Have you ever fallen asleep while reading a book and found yourself dreaming that you were a character from that story? The soothing lullaby rhythm of "Big Dreams" will plant the seeds in your child's subconscious while helping them fall asleep. The imagery will grow from the wonderfully illustrated pages into magnificent dreams after your children fall asleep.
I have to mention the classic... "Brown Bear Brown Bear What do you see?"
But Excuse Me That is My Book
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