105 Ways to Give a Book

Not Intended to Be a Factual Statement

What happens on Wednesdays stays on Wednesdays.

You may have heard about Senator Jon Kyl’s remarks condemning Planned Parenthood because over 90% percent of its funds go to providing abortions. Of course, a quick media fact check found that abortion procedures account for closer to three percent, which is a pretty large difference from the Senator’s statement. The response from Kyl’s office was extraordinary in its brazen disregard for truth, justice, and the American way — or outright lying on the Senate floor. The response was that his comment was “not intended to be a factual statement.”

Both Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert have taken the Senator to task on their shows, segments of which are shown at The Huffington Post. But Stephen Colbert has turned it into performance art with his series of tweets under the tag #NotIntendedToBeAFactualStatement.

A sampling:
  • Jon Kyl thinks no one can see him when he puts a paper bag on his head.

  • Once a year, Jon Kyl retreats to the Arizona Desert and deposits 2 million egg sacs under the sand. #NotIntendedToBeAFactualStatement

  • Jon Kyl can, and will, deny that you’re a jolly good fellow.

  • Jon Kyl developed his own line of hair care products just so he could test them on bunnies. #NotIntendedToBeAFactualStatement

  • John Kyl is 90% prune juice. #NotIntendedToBeAFactualStatement
The hashtag has been taken up by the Colbert Nation with a slew of humorous or would-be-slanderous lines, though few have topped the pithy, perfect tweets of Colbert, including the top tweet so far:
  • Jon Kyl bought a SodaStream so he could drink *carbonated* tears of the poor. #NotIntendedToBeAFactualStatement
What’s your favorite one on Twitter? What would you add to the list?


Bill said...

My favorites of Stephen's:

Carly Simon wrote that song about Jon Kyl.

Jon Kyl was sent from the future to kill Sarah Connor.

Anonymous said...

Good old Jon Kyl! I live in AZ...I know!!
Anyway, Books Kids Like has awarded you with the Versatile Blogger Award. Follow this link back to my post so that you know what to do next. Congrats!http://bookskidslike.blogspot.com/2011/04/versatile-blogger-award.html

Unknown said...

Yes, terrible, and there is more: http://www.notintendedtobeafactualstatement.com