105 Ways to Give a Book

Top 100 Picture Books

This post would have been sooooo much better if it had been in time for voting in the SLJ's Top 100 Picture Books, but I barely got in my list myself... and then found out that there was an extension. At this point it's all over but the shouting. You know, with the exception of the tons of work it's going to be to go through all those votes and crank the numbers and do the write-ups and... wow, do I ever admire Betsy Bird.

So, here are the books I put forth. I really went my favorites, as opposed to systematically analyzing the Iconic Picture Books of Children's Literature. Given how much time I've spent in the company of picture books in the public library and as organizer/panelist of that Cybils category, I was surprised how few new books made my list. When it came down to choosing, as much as I have loved some books in the last ten years, my heart went out for those I read to my own kids - especially if I read them myself as a child. The list also didn't change much from when I did it for Fuse #8's first list.

  1. Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus! by Mo Willems
    Funny, clever, and the perfect read-aloud, this is the book that started my Mo obsession.
  2. Knuffle Bunny: A Cautionary Tale, by Mo Willems
    and this is the book that sealed that obsession evermore. Mo-tastic.
  3. Chicka Chicka Boom Boom, by Bill Martin
    If you watch the video, you'll never get the tune out of your head when you read the book aloud. I'm still not sure if that is a good or bad thing.
  4. Guess How Much I Love You, by Sam McBratney
    A wonderful reflection of the love and relationship between parent and child.
  5. On the Day You Were Born, by Debra Frasier
    I never get through this book without tearing up. It’s a great baby shower gift.
  6. The Grouchy Ladybug, by Eric Carle
    It's hard to pick just one Carle book, but I reading with the grouchy voice.
  7. Bark George, by Jules Feiffer
    So fun to read!
  8. Corduroy, by Don Freeman
    A story of the one special toy for one special girl hit my heart as a kid and as a mom.
  9. Bread and Jam for Frances, by Russell Hoban
    I loved all the Frances books and can only choose this as a favorite by a slight margin.
  10. The Monster At The End Of This Book
    I remember this book from my childhood more than any other. And now it's an app.

I know that I've seen the contributions of 100 Scope Notes and Book Nut. Anyone else sharing their list?

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Even in Australia said...

Yes! I also went with favorites rather than classics and shared my list here: http://eveninaustraliakidlit.blogspot.com/2012/04/favorites-v-classics.html

Bigfoot said...

Thanks for sharing your list. I’ve looked at several others, too. It’s fun to see what books the lists have in common, and also to see the variations.

The list I sent also included The Monster at the End of This Book.

Ms. Yingling said...

Yep. It's true. I really don't care much for picture books. The ones that we liked best in my house were always kind of bizarre-- Baby Blue Cat and the Whole Batch of Cookies, The Giant Jam Sandwich, and a whole bunch of Little Golden Books and weirdly psychedelic things from my late 60s childhod! I am not even tempted to look at the list.

Miranda Paul said...

Thanks for sharing! I love picture books and yes, compiling my 100 favorite would be tough - and my top 10 even tougher. I appreciate your list a lot.

Sally said...

Love your choices. Can't go wrong with Mo Willems. Then my all tiime favorite Bread and Jam for Francis.