In all my years of booktalking, I've rarely written down any more than the first sentence "hook," and often not even that. I would never read booktalks at the school, but even seeing them written down makes the words feel stale to me. But this year I was very helpfully given specific time at work to spend on booktalking preparation and thought I would give this writing down thing a try. The next logical step was to share them here so you'll know some of the titles I placed on the list and how I plan to introduce them. So starting with the younger grades and working our way up to sixth, let's do this.

by Corey Rosen Schwartz, illustrated by Dan Santat
Putnam Juvenile, 2012
I’m sure you know the story of the three little pigs – Wolf. Sticks. Straw. Bricks. Huff & puff and blow your house down. But here is a version with a kick – a karate kick. Threatened by a dangerous wolf, the three little pigs decide to learn the martial arts to fight back. While two of the pigs don’t put in the work, the third pig studies karate with determination. Are their ninja skills enough against the big bad wolf? Read The Three Ninja Pigs. (Note: I'll read a few pages of the book.)
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