I am talking about book binges. Yes, I said it. Confronted with thousands of books every working day, we can’t help but bring a few home and then a few more, and a few more, until it is far too much for any one person to read.
For me, today, it’s time to purge. And here’s what’s going back to the library with no links, because they didn’t make the cut.
- The World’s Easiest Guide to Understanding the Bible
Skim-read parts of this; can’t remember why I checked it out. - Fun With the Family in Virginia
Checked out when we had a free weekend, only to realize that if I had a free weekend I had a lot to do at home. - Fun With the Family in Maryland
Ditto. - Trash to Treasure
Only two good ideas in the book for me. Do I really need a use for crushed soda cans? - Altered Art: Techniques for Creating Altered Books, Boxes, Cards and More
Love the concept, but the art examples they use are soooo surreal that it turned me off. - The Ten Things You Can’t Say in America
Hold it, is this guy a Republican? - Loving Lefties
Read parts of this, skipped parts of this. Actually an interesting book, but I’ve finished it. - Birth of Venus
Had this forever; couldn’t get into it. - Shroud of the Thwacker
Didn’t finish it, need to move on. - Technique in Singing
More intense than I thought it would be.
Technique in Singing---is that the book by Harpster? What didn't you like about it, out of curiousity? Too many muscle/chord diagrams? Too detailed? I don't own any singing books anymore, as I've kept notes from all of my lessons, and I rely on those a lot more for resharpening my technique than published books. I had my share back in the day, though, and I never seemed to be able to take a diagram picture and feel the musclature myself, without the help of an instructor pointing out what was what. Everyone is different, but I think so much of good singing technique is knowing what to feel for---learning what feels "correct." That's so hard to glean from a book.
All I have in terms of music reference at this point are theory books, so when I forget some silly little name or fact, I can look it up and not drive myself crazy.
I took this book home sight unseen since I ordered it from another library branch. It was just more intense then I expected. I think I need the book between the Idiots Guide to Singing and Technique in Singing. Perhaps, the Idiots Guide to Technique in Singing.
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