105 Ways to Give a Book

The Edge of The Forest: Back With The Funny

Today, in a continuation of the Things About Me meme, I expand on this statement:
2. Some people think I’m funny.
I’ll bet that more than half of the people I know through work, the kids’ school, and Girl Scouts would not think of me as funny. Or really amusing in any way. I don’t always put forth that persona, I guess. Or if my sense of humor doesn’t click with them, I don’t even try. I’d like to think that I am thought of as funny here in the blogging world. And I suspect the people who know me think I’m a crack-up. So, only some people think I’m funny. And. That’s. Okay.

Now I’ve turned my power of humor to good and produced another “Bring On The Funny” list, this time for ages eight to twelve. You’ll find it — along with many other great articles and interviews — at The Edge of The Forest.

And since I can’t tag the wonderful editor of the online journal, given that she tagged me, I’ll instead turn the attention to someone else. This special someone routinely comments on my posts, especially noting when I write something funny. I like that about her. She’s done a couple of contests to get us all up and moving, and this new one captures my attention with the search for the funniest lines in children’s literature. She’s a poet on this wonderful journey that we call life; I tag Journey Woman.


Nancy said...

Oh that's so nice of you.

Now here's my dilemma (why do I always want to spell that dilemna?)... I did this meme a few days ago. I think I'll come up with a word-themed 5 things, so I can tie in my Words on Wednesday post.

I appreciate the post about the contest too. That's 10 points you already earned! Would love if you submitted quotes, as I trust your sense of humor. (No pressure. HA)

MotherReader said...

I guess if I had paid more attention to, y'know, the FIRST LINE of Kelly's post I would have realized that it came from you in the first place. So, oops. Do with it what you will, but I like your Words on Wednesday idea.

I'll be by with some funny lines soon. I promise.

Nancy said...

By the way, the "bachelorette" quote you put in the contest made me do a spit-take.