105 Ways to Give a Book

Pimp My Blog

Notice anything different?

I’ve been sick of the dots for a while, but couldn’t find a template I wanted to use. My kind husband changed one of the basic Blogger ones to accommodate my title in the sand. Beauty.

I made some changes to my blogroll as well. I took out some blogs that weren’t updating, and added some that I’ve been reading but hadn’t listed. In the interest of keeping things simple, I decided not to add writers’ blogs to my blogroll. While many of the book blogs list writers, none list parent blogs, and I want to bridge those worlds. I’m still visiting my writer friends so, y’know, no offense.

I’m especially proud of my tagline, since it just came to me today after months of thinking about it. Well, not constantly thinking about it, but still a great last-minute save.
Category: 14 comments


Unknown said...

I love the new look and the tagline is so...you! It's really great. Nice job! My compliments to your husband for his changes.

Little Willow said...

Very cute. Pretty colors.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE the new tagline! And the new look.

Mary Lee said...

The new look is sharp and sassy...a little like that tagline. You're all that and a bag of chips!

Anonymous said...

It's great, MR. Love it!

Anonymous said...

Arrgh! Damn Blogger Beta. That anon was me!

Anonymous said...

Sassy !

Anonymous said...

Woo-hoo! Lookin' good, Mamacita!

Anonymous said...

Looks super, MR!

Greg Pincus said...

Superb. But I will eventually miss the dots. You see, I liked the dots. I felt as if they were all the dots that I'd failed to use in elementary school when I learned cursive and had issues with the lowercase i. It's good to see them get work, I thought. Now, once again, they are unemployed.

But I do like the new look!

Moxie Mom said...

I love the suggested reading by age. How smart. If it's been there for awhile and I didn't notice, it's because I read your blog through my RSS reader.

nice work

Anonymous said...

Verrr nice.
Great photo.
Makes me want to up and change my own header. Does your husband work on spec?

MotherReader said...

Thanks for all the love, folks. It confirms that the hours and hours my husband (and I) took to make the changes were worth it. But Fuse, you'll have to find your own designer. Bill certainly wouldn't have put this much time into it for plain old money.

Anonymous said...

The tagline is pretty much perfect, isn't it? I like the new look, too. And I could totally relate to what you wrote (in another post) about wanting more time to work on blogs and books and things around the house. Sad that it took me a few days to even see your new look! But I like it.