I’m excited to announce that we do have an author event at Hooray for Books! in Old Town Alexandria on Sunday, October 18th, from 1:003:00 p.m. If you are in the DC area and can’t attend the conference, but would love to meet some of the people, come on down! Bring the kids. Bring the neighbor’s kids. Bribe a teen to join you. It’s going to be a great time. We’re going picture book to middle-grade first, and then tweens to teens second with:
1:00 p.m.Please let people know about this wonderful chance to greet bloggers, meet authors, and buy books, all while supporting an independent bookstore and the Kidlitosphere Conference. What better way to spend a Sunday afternoon?
Cynthia Cotten presents Rain Play
Jacqueline Jules presents Unite or Die!
Sue Corbett presents Last Newspaper Boy
2:00 p.m.
Caroline Hickey presents Isabelle’s Boyfriend
Elizabeth Scott presents Something, Maybe
Paula Chase-Hyman presents Flipping the Script
Phew! I know you're busy, but did you see this?
I posted it just for you!
I'm so excited for the conference to finally get here! It's going to be a fabulous weekend :)
I would like to attend the conference and sent in my registration several weeks ago, via email, right after I heard Sue
Corbett talk about it at the Hampton Roads Writers Conference on 9/19/09. I haven't received PayPal instructions to pay for my registration. Please write back (olgy@childrencomefirst.com) and let me know what I need to do next. Thanks!
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