Now, I know that it takes months for titles to show up at the library, and these just happened to be on the shelf. So I searched the catalog and eyeballed covers finding a total of four recent books in a large public library system that serves a broad and very diverse community. Granted, this was in no way a detailed examination of our collection, but it gives me another reason to ask for your participation in the 48 Hour Book Challenge. I need your book reviews so that I can make collection requests to my library.
You know what, you need book reviews so that you can make requests to your public library.
Many kid lit folk are working hard to promote titles, and that excites me. Our writers and illustrators can create them, and we can continue to put pressure on publishers to acquire them. But at the heart of it all, bookstores and libraries need to buy these books. We can help with that too by asking our public and school libraries to add these titles to their collections.
But we can't do that if we don't know what they are. So let's keep up the steps that created outrage at BEA and yet also featured strongly at the same setting with an excellent BookCon panel. Something that started as a hashtag and moved to an online home at WeNeedDiverseBooks. Let's show each other and anyone else who will see all the great titles that are out there. I hope you'll participate in the 48 Hour Book Challenge - even if you can't commit the weekend, or even much of it, to read and promote books. We need you and We Need Diverse Books.
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There are a fair number of titles on Netgalley and Edelweiss right now. I'll try to post a list, but start with Manhunt, Fire Wish, Family Fletcher, and Bridge. at Edelweiss, they prefer Librarians (go figure), and you can try to get School for Spies #2, Pig Park, Felony Bay #2, Jasmine Skies, Contract, and Meyers' On a Clear Day. That will get a lot of people started, I hope.
I read Eddie Red Undercover: Mystery on Museum Mile based on Charlotte's review, and my son is enjoying it. I have Nightingale's Nest by Nikki Loftin out, too. In mg graphic novels, not new this year but still diverse and fun are both of the Astronaut Academy books and the new Avatar series.
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