105 Ways to Give a Book

I Read The Back Of The Froot Loops

I have been at the beach for a few days visiting my family and enjoying the... well, beach. The weather has been absoultely perfect, and we stayed by the ocean all day today. In fact, as I write this at the lovely and helpful Virginia Beach Central Library computer, I am wearing my bathing suit covered by a pair of drawstring shorts and a large T-shirt with the lyrics to “Smelly Cat” printed on it. Wearing this outfit in a public place would have appalled me a scant few years ago, but now I realize that no matter what I look like, (a) people have seen worse and (b) people don’t care.

So, I popped by to tell you that I have read nothing that I can tell you about. Nada. For three days, my reading material has consisted of a column or two of the newspaper and the back of a cereal box, where I saw a way to make a layered work of art with a jar and crushed Froot Loops.

My interest has been held not only by the beach — as lovely as it is — but by my new niece. My brother has adopted a sweet and beautiful baby girl with black hair and deep brown eyes. I spent hours yesterday holding her and staring at her adorable face. As soon as I finish here, I am going back to his house and I am going to read that little princess some Curious George, and let her know that I will always have books.
Category: 5 comments


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your new niece! Enjoy reading with her.

Unknown said...

Sounds like a wonderfully relaxing vacation. Congrats on your new niece; she sounds adorable! And hey, you never know when you might need to make art out of Froot Loops, so it's a good thing you read that!

CindyD said...

I always told my students that my definition of a bookworm is someone who reads the back of the cereal box even though they've read it a dozen times before! (I just retired as a high school librarian.)

Daniel said...

All about the Friends references....Smelly Cat *and* "I will always have [gum]books..." It's probably hard to find someone who makes both a cool mom and a cool aunt. Rock on!

MotherReader said...

Daniel, good catch on the Friends references. You smart, TV-watching guy (that's not an oxymoron, is it?)