105 Ways to Give a Book

Poetry Friday: A Link and An Original

I missed participating in Blog Day when I was tagged by Journey Woman. It’s surprising, because I love doing those sorts of things. But by the time I realized I was tagged, I was at work. And I had a lot of work to do, so I didn’t get around to fulfilling the requirements there. Then I came home, and could have continued the tagging, but then I got distracted and the next thing I knew, Thursday, August 31st, was over. But thanks for thinking of me, Journey Woman.

In any case, five new blogs didn’t pop into my brain immediately. But one did and it is the perfect one to point out today. Emily Reads writes many of her reviews in haiku form, making her the perfect blog for Poetry Friday. A sample about a book I also read, The Year of the Dog.
Earth-shattering? No.
A little obvious? Yes.
Still, a good girl read.
Isn’t that clever? She also has used one-line summaries for books she has read, which I am thinking of using to catch up on the dozens of books I’ve read but not reviewed.

I would also like to use today’s post to point to another site that I found through Journey Woman. If you want to write your own poem, but need a little inspiration, you can try Poetry in Motion for their magnetic poetry-type format. It’s fun and addictive. Just like smoking! (Kidding.) Here’s mine from today:
Fast-fading summer
You give my dreams truth
If I dive into my heart’s desire,
Can you take me through to December?
For more Poetry Friday, try Kelly, and Liz, and Jen, Keepers of the Links. And remember that Semicolon does a book review round-up on Saturday, so submit your best entry tomorrow. I’m going to soak up as much summer fun as I can on a rainy day, just days away from the start of school.


Nancy said...

Oooh, I'm so glad you tried Magnetic Poetry -- isn't it wonderful?

And your poem is so good!

On the BlogDay challenge, I ignored the "new" requirement, as I've just recently started blogging, so it's all new to me. Made my job so much easier.

Enjoy the weekend!

Nancy said...

Oh, the only thing I'd add about Poetry in Motion is that they are affiliated with the ILP (International Library of Poetry) which has been the subject of some Dateline exposes, etc etc... So just use caution if you ever think of submitting a poem on their site. I think I mentioned this on my blog, but I only use these guys for the magnetic poetry function.