105 Ways to Give a Book

The Trifecta of Kids’ Lit

The trifecta of kids’ lit is upon us. With the Top Picks of 2006 (So Far) Master List and the new edition of The Edge of the Forest and The Seventh Carnival of Children’s Literature all coming at the same time, we have to expect that things will start moving in contrary ways.

Lovers of children’s books will light cigars with copies of Charlotte’s Web and smoke them over Little Women as they drink Mountain Dew from leaky plastic cups.

Librarians will start yelling at kids as they look for all twelve books of the Lemony Snicket series, saying, “Don’t you kids get it yet? Bad things keep happening. Now stop reading and go play your Grand Theft Auto.”

Reviewers will fall in love with The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane.

Hold it. Something doesn’t seem right about that last sentence...

Anyway, lots o’ stuff is happening out there and you need to go see. I’m going to bet that there will be few posts this weekend as people catch up on their reading — blogs and books.
Category: 2 comments


Little Willow said...

Fantastic piece in FOREST! :) I love booktalking.

Anonymous said...

Ditto what little willow said, great article and some tips we authors can use with speaking at schools too!