105 Ways to Give a Book

Top Picks for 2006 (So Far): Picture Books

This was hard. I read fifty young adult books and picked ten. I read forty chapter books and picked ten. With picture books, however, I read two hundred and fifty, and I’m picking only five. This is killing me. I am going to give you my top five, but I have to — have to — list five runner-ups. You know, in case any of the first five fail to perform their duties. I will not (sigh) include my runner-ups on the master list, since it is five picks per blogger. If you should suggest them... well, I’d have to include them, wouldn’t I?

All right, here goes nothing.

Picture BooksRunner-upsAs I pulled together the list, I found an element of peace in moving the younger picture books to the Runner-Up list. My justification being that my Top Picks goal was to help school libraries and summer reading list committees with their choices. There are also some books I might have included — like Don’t Let the Pigeon Stay Up Late! — that I know will make it on the master list from all participating bloggers, so I feel safe passing it over. (Mo, I did include Edwina).

Now it’s back to you. Post a list by September 20th of your best so far and let me know about it. I’ll pull together our suggestions in one big list. If you would prefer, you can leave your suggestions in my comments. I’ve had some great participants so far, and I’d love some more.
Category: 14 comments


MotherReader said...

I got sick of making links, but I haven't forgotten your suggestions Liz, Adam, Michelle, Jonathan, AZ, P.Mathis, and Colleen. Kelly, I know you can't resist playing, so I'll look for your picks. And there are some people I can't wait to hear from (Leila).

Bkbuds said...

Wow, great idea. I was going to wait until December to do this, but it gives me something to do until I get my own site revamped.

Will do a post on the 20th then. Thanks.

Little Willow said...

Duck and Goose have a sequel - Duck, Duck, Goose - due out next year! YAY!

Little Willow said...

I'll post my list at Bildungsroman this weekend - Remind me! - I posted them in the comments thread earlier.

Nancy said...

Hi there! I haven't read enough new books this year to be of any use in this list gathering, so sorry! Didn't want you to think I was ignoring it. I'm enjoying reading other people's pics.

Little Willow said...

Posted! :)

Liz B said...

I"ve updated my top ones and sorted them a bit better. It's at http://yzocaet.blogspot.com/2006/09/top-5-books-of-2006.html

Anonymous said...

MotherReader, I wonder if you can join me in reviewing banned books for books week (9/23-9/30), and, better yet, posting about it to your own blog so other book-bloggers will also consider doing so. The idea is to celebrate freedom by reading books others want removed from library shelves and classrooms.


- Kurtis


Anonymous said...

Hello motherreader,
I just wanted to thank you for including my and my husband's book - "If I Had a Dragon" - on your runner-up list! This is our first book and we are so excited about the positive response we've been getting! We hope there will be more to come soon! Thanks again for your great support!

Amanda Ellery

Mary Lee said...

My top picks for 2006 are my top 5 series books for struggling readers in the upper elementary.


Mary Lee

Little Willow said...


Best Books of 2006 (So Far)

Moxie Mom said...

I am horrible at this stuff. Usually I get frightened in libraries. But I LOVE this book:
Click, Clack Moo: Cows that Type

Does that count? Crap, no. I see it's copyright is 2000. I'm only 6 years off!

Bkbuds said...

Okeedoke, my list is up at bookbuds.net Thanks for doing this.

MotherReader said...

Thanks for stopping by, Amanda. "If I Had a Dragon" is a great read with clever illustrations. Kids need to see - in a funny, nonthreatening way - how great it can be to have a sibling. Plus, the pictures made me laugh. I'll be looking forward to more from you guys.

Thanks to everyone for the suggestions. I've been by your sites to take a look.