105 Ways to Give a Book

Third Annual 48 Hour Book Challenge: WINNERS!

48 Hour Book ChallengeI’ve checked and checked again to see that everyone I know was playing has indeed reported in. Frankly, even without such a obsessive look, I feel pretty safe calling the winners since their totals are so out of this world.

The winner for the most hours spent reading is Biblio File, with an astonishing 42 hours committed to the 48 Hour Book Challenge. WOW! She read nineteen books consisting of 4364 pages. Way to go!

The winner for the most books read is Midwestern Lodestar, who completed 27 books for a total of 6479 pages. She spent 31 hours in book gluttony. Rock and read!

Second prizes go to Practically Paradise for her 30 hours reading 10 books with a 4322 page total, to Carla blogging at Keeping Up With Carla, who also read for 30 hours, stacking up 11 books and 2245 pages, and to Bildungsroman, with 23 books read in 22.5 hours with a 3965 page count. Awesome!

We had forty finishers in the contest and twenty-one members of the Twenty Hours club. Those members are:Later today or tonight I’ll pick some “door prizes” for contestants, as well as announcing the prizes for the official winners. Thanks to all who participated and who keep this event going each year. Even if you don’t read fast or can’t spare as many hours as the winners, I’m glad that you took the chance to make reading a priority. I hope everyone had fun. I sure did.


Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness! Wowza. Kudos and congrats to all of the participants. It makes me want to do a pledge for a worthy cause next year - get people to donate $ per number of books or per number of pages or a flat donation...

Does anyone want to do a general rehashing, a comparison of books read? I noticed that we had some cool overlapping. For example, at least three of us read The Fold, a bunch of people read a bunch of books by Meg Cabot, and only a few books were not-so-recent releases.

Charlotte said...

Congratulations to the winners!
Am I right in thinking Midwestern Lodestar has won "most books" every time?

And Biblio File's achievement just stuns me!

I really liked my books this year, so even though I didn't keep track of my time and so didn't get to see my name on the board, it was still worth it :) !

Jen Robinson said...

This is amazing, Pam! Think of all the reading that was accomplished, and all the great books that are going to get attention, because of your inspiration/ organization/ cheer-leading. It boggles the mind. Congratulations to the winners. Those are truly impressive totals.

Gail Gauthier said...

Yes, Pam. This was a great idea, and I appreciate you keeping it up each year. The 48 Hour Book Challenge is like a holiday at my house. Well, a holiday for me. And when I read on a theme, the way I did the first and third years, it becomes very...ah...profound...or something.

Lezlie said...

Congratulations, everybody! I can't wait to check everyone's blogs to see what they read!


Anonymous said...

Congrats to the winners! The totals were absolutely amazing to see. And now I have some new books to check out, like Airhead by Meg Cabot.

Lisa Yee said...


I'll bet all the winners got a lot of gold stars when they were kids participating in their library's summer reading programs.

Unknown said...

Amazing stats. Congratulations to the winners and everyone who participated! Thanks for all your hard work, Pam. It must have taken you a long time to check everyone's stats - I looked at just some of the wrap up posts today and I know how long that took, and I wasn't even trying to compile the stats!

And I made the 20 hour club. Wheeeeeeeee! I've never belonged to a club before!

This was fun, and I'm glad I could participate again this year.

Saints and Spinners said...

Yea rah! Congratulations, everyone. One year, I'm going to take part in this and just sequester myself somewhere.

Kristi said...

Congrats everyone! This was a lot of fun.

ZG said...

It is crazy cool that so many of us read so much over the course of a single weekend!! And that Mother Reader shared her busy birthday weekend with us to make it all happen!

And I'm telling you - my eyes are toast even today -- I don't know how Biblio File managed that feat of ocular superiority! And Little Willow's reading speed really amped up my competitive spirit this year, too!

Thanks MR for another great birthday party!

ZG @ Midwestern Lodestar

Jules at 7-Imp said...

Congrats to one and all. One year I'm a'gonna ROCK the 48HRC (I just made up my own ridiculous acronymn for it.)