105 Ways to Give a Book

ABC Storytime: M is for...

Before I get into the ABC Storytime, I have to point out two things. First, color me impressed with this Neil Gaiman interview at Just One More Book, one day after his Newbery win. Worlds better than the spot on The Today Show. (Quoting from Facebook friends: “Sara wonders why the ALA winners still go on the Today Show. How about some place that appreciates them more? Like SNL?”)

Second, once the morning coffee kicks in, I’m heading over to a discussion at Jen Robinson’s book page about a campaign to encourage reading aloud to kids. I know for twelve years our bedtime reading ritual was as routine as eating dinner, and in many ways was just as important. Can we get that concept out to all parents? Discuss.

Okay, now ABC Storytime:

The Letter M

Book: The Grumpy Morning, by Pamela Duncan Edwards, or Good Morning Sam, by Marie-Louise Gay

Song: “Good Morning Song”

Book: The Magical Mystical Marvelous Coat, by Catherine Ann Cullen [I really love this book.]

Book: When Mommy Was Mad, by Lynne Jonell [This one, too.]

Rhyme: “Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed”
Five little monkeys jumping on the bed.
One fell off and bumped his head.
Mama called the doctor and the doctor said,
"No more monkeys jumping on the bed.
(Continue with four, three, two, one monkeys.)
Book: Five Little Monkeys with Nothing to Do, by Eileen Christelow

Book: Today is Monday, by Eric Carle, or Meow Monday, by Phyllis Root


Jen Robinson said...

Thanks for linking to the discussion, Pam. If only reading could be as routine for all families. I really think that the world would be a better place.

Ah well. I love those Five Little Monkeys books.

Shelli (srjohannes) said...

yeah why cant we have a Book Writers Guild (BWG) :)

Anonymous said...

Pam... Now I feel primed to take on the networks!

Thanks for the kind words.

Anonymous said...

We really enjoyed Meow Monday and the other days of the week books by Phyllis Root. It is a wonderful book for the letter M.

Thanks for the reminder about the reading aloud discussion. We are a reading family with no television. My nearly five year old daughter began reading this past year and my two year old son has become more demanding in wanting his books read. I've found reading picture books to my daughter a bit more challenging. So I've started a "Read 1000 Picture Books" challenge for myself. I wrote about it here.


Alana said...

It's interesting to me as an 8th grade reading teacher that students who are my lowest level readers were not read to and have minimal accesss to print at home.

Not a scientific study...but just in my years teaching I can see that reading to children makes SUCH a difference.

I'm with you---my 4 year old is read to every night. She is already a little book lover and I pray that she stays that way. :)