105 Ways to Give a Book

Potter-Free Zone

Finished the new Harry Potter? Not me. And I don’t want to hear a thing about it. Not even a seemingly innocuous statement that “it’s good.” Nothing. As an example of my conviction, here is a conversation with my husband:
Bill: I finished the Harry Potter book.

Me: Great. Hold it, when did you read it?

Bill: I brought it to work and finished it at lunch.

Me: Oh.
If the father of my children can’t tell me anything about it, then surely no one can. I made the rather foolish decision to read all the Harry Potter books before the new one. Foolish mainly because I started a mere week ago. It’s a bit overly ambitious, but overly ambitious is my middle name — which, incidentally, makes filling out forms a bitch. Anyway, I’ve been staying off the Internet and — at great personal sacrifice — specifically off Jacketflap, which I’ve come to love for its convenient book blog reader. I’ll be posting this week, but it will be a Potter-free zone. In fact:


So, seen any good movies lately? The girls and I went to see Hairspray and we loved it. I’m a huge fan of the music and the play, and the movie didn’t disappoint. It was fantastic! They toned down some of the innuendo and made some changes to make it a notch more realistic. It’s still most definitely a movie musical, though, and subject to its own rules of believability. Actually, it’s like Live Free or Die Hard is only subject to the rules of Action Movies — and by those rules, LFoDH was also a great ride, almost worth the insane price of admission. There was another movie I was planning to see next weekend, but for some reason the name has slipped my mind. There’s a dark-haired boy and a girl, and another boy and something about magic...


Anonymous said...

So what age do you think Hairspray is appropriate for? They tuned down the innuendo, and it's PG rather than PG-13, so I'm wondering if my 7-year-old can see it. He loves musicals, and there's very few chances to see them on a big screen.

Anonymous said...

I, too, chose to go back and reread all the HP books, but I started a week and a half or two weeks before. I didn't finish until a few hours after I got 7 in the mail. I am glad I went back.

The last movie I saw was HP & OotP.

Jennie said...

The last movie I saw was also Order of the Phoenix but I think we're going to go see the Simpsons movie on Friday afternoon...

I'm glad you liked Hairspray it's really high on my list!

MotherReader said...

G, wanted to get back to your question. There is nothing left in this movie that a 7 yr old would pick up on. Take him with my blessing. I've taken my girls to worse, but we have a rule. If you don't get the joke, don't ask us, because it probably wasn't appropriate.

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much, MotherReader! I may adopt your rule.

Robin Brande said...

Mother Reader, I've been hiding out, too.I finished the book last night, so now I feel I can rejoin humanity again without fear someone will accidentally tell me even what color Harry's eyes are.

ElsKushner said...

I like that movie rule!