MotherReader’s off at the beach with the girls for a few days, leaving me FatherReader to hold down the fort. Normally, we wouldn’t make a special effort to post in her absence, but this week saw a poetry event that we couldn’t let pass by unheralded (though I fully suspect that others will highlight the same “poem”).
Were you left thinking that Sarah Palin’s farewell speech was a bizarre, rambling, incoherent mess? Far from it! Those with abilities sufficient to grasp Palin’s true depth as a communicator would instantly point out that it was poetry! And to make sure that’s eminently clear, we bring you, straight from The Tonight Show with Conan O’Brien, master thespian William Shatner reading Sarah Palin’s farewell speech. Enjoy!
Of course, that’s not the end of it. As Sarah Palin has been posting regularly on her Twitter account, there’s a whole new wealth of material material that O’Brien and Shatner are only too happy to highlight:
This week’s Poetry Friday roundup is over at Poetry for Children. Be sure to check it out and check back here soon for MotherReader’s triumphant return.
Shatner's performance (once again with Tweets) is brilliant!
(word verification is "impent," a word Palin might have coined to describe...well, who knows what...maybe the Alaskan summer...)
I just saw that Shatner performance at Elaine Magliaro's blog. HUHlarious.
Dear, dear Father Reader: Thank you for that. Interestingly, Shatner sells it so well that it almost sounds intelligent. Almost.
Thanks for joining the Poetry Friday fray this week. Love this riff on politics and poetry-- complete with bongos!
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