105 Ways to Give a Book

The 48 Hour Book Challenge: FINISH LINE

Check in on the comments when you are done with your summary, which should include number of books read, total page count, number of hours reading/reviewing, and your 48 hour or personal challenge experience.

At this point, it looks like we had fifteen participants. I’ll be back later with the winners.


MotherReader said...

MotherReader done! (see below post)

ZG said...

Midwestern Lodestar also done!

Anonymous said...

Finished with a whimper, not a bang, but did finish.

Liz B said...

Liz B. done!

Anonymous said...

I am finished also.

Anonymous said...

Ze end for ze Chicken Spaghetti.

Camille said...

I made it to homebase also.

Unknown said...

I'm finished, too. Wrap-up post is on my blog. Thanks for setting this up!

fusenumber8 said...

Done done doneski.

Anonymous said...

Also done, with wrap-up posted. Thanks so much for organizing this. I had a wonderful time!

web said...

Stick a fork in me, I am done.

Little Willow said...

Hey MotherReader! I am at work presently, so I will total up the pages and hours this evening, then check in with you and post my summary. :)

Gail Gauthier said...

I finished and have a summary up at my blog in addition to the individual reviews.

We should do this again next year.

Cathy Kyle said...

I read... a pathetic amount, but I read.
My reviews are here:
I didn't really keep track of my hours, because honestly, there is no way that I read more than anyone else. However I am proud that I sat down and took the time to read, rather than doing something else. Plus some kid was bothering me about returning the Runaways comic series because he wanted to read them. Pesky kids.

Little Willow said...

Added my last book - Things Left Unsaid, 261 pages - to my 48HRC post, which I read last night. It was possibly the best (contemporary-time) story on my list.

Ms. Yingling said...

Ms. Yingling read during the specified hours but didn't blog until this morning. Did that disqualify me?