I had three problems with Specials. The first is what we might call a personal problem. I am terrible with series. I retain almost nothing from the books I read. While this makes it easy for me to jump from book to book quickly, it makes reading the books in a series months or years apart just about impossible for me. In fact, I usually avoid series as they are starting so I can pick it up later. When they have the three books, I’ll read through them all one after another.
For me, reading Specials was like walking into a movie halfway through. And not some family movie, either, more like walking into The Usual Suspects. (Who is Keyser Söze? What’s going ON?) I was halfway through Specials before I could remember significant plot points from Pretties and I still needed to ask two teenage girls at my middle school booktalking session what happened at the end of Pretties. So I am a series loser.
I am going to attribute that problem mostly to me and not to the book though maybe a little more back story would be nice. However, I found the second problem that I couldn’t buy the over-the-top action in this book as compared with the others. I mean, I already have to buy into the idea that every sixteen-year-old gets an operation to become pretty. Okay. I have to buy into the idea that the powers that be want to keep everyone bubbleheaded so they can regain control. Okay. I have to buy into the idea that they can remake a person from the bones up to be a Special. Okaaaay, you’re starting to lose me. Now I have to buy into the idea that this Special can do all the things and not to give anything away, but there are lots of things the book would have them do. Okay, you lost me.
I liked Uglies because Talley was average, her strength was internal, and her skills were her own. I liked Pretties because she had to think her way out of her own predicament, and the action was good. In Specials it is all about the super technology, and I didn’t like it.
The third problem with the book is a minor detail that loomed big for me through the whole book. In changing the Cutters, they were given razor-sharp fingernails and teeth. Does anyone else see just a practical problem here? I mean, sometimes I tear a fingernail a tiny bit, brush hair back off my face, and leave a little scratch on my forehead. What would I do with razor-sharp fingernails? And don’t you think those razor-sharp teeth might chafe a little on the inside of your lips? Every time the teeth or fingernails were mentioned, I was annoyed for the next few pages.
Retractable razor-sharp fingernails, now that might be cool. If only I could pick them up at Wal-Mart.
I really enjoy Scott Westerfeld's books. I have yet to read Specials because I am being really cruel to myself and delaying gratification by not allowing myself to read this one yet because 1) I don't want the series to be over and 2) I don't want high expectations to ruin it. (I did the same thing for Blue Noon, the last book in the Midnighters trilogy. It came out in February; I stayed strong, then read it last week.)
I'm admittedly not a sci-fi fan, and felt like the other books - esp. the first - had more crossover appeal. This one lost my interest, but I agree that it is still is a good book for teens with a strong female character.
For a more through review of the plot, check out Jen Robinson's Book Page
I have that problem about remembering plot points, too. I think that it goes along with reading fast (I have less of a problem with books I listen to on MP3). But I read all three of the Uglies books within a couple of months, so I was ok on that no score. No, for me it was just having trouble identifying with Tally once the powers that be started messing with her brain. But I did love Uglies, and I agree that these books fill a need for SF books with a strong female protagonist. Thanks for the link to my review.
It's cool that we both reviewed the book around the same time. I actually wrote mine on Friday, but did a delayed post (I did several reviews at once, and wanted to spread them out).
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