105 Ways to Give a Book


Hey, I warned you that my blog could suddenly go dark if the beach beckoned — oh, and it beckon it did. I’m not a big fan of traveling on holiday weekends, but it was the only totally clear time we had to get to Virginia Beach and see my niece. For the first time in years I went to the fireworks show at the oceanfront. It was amazing. I highly recommend seeing fireworks shot over the ocean. It is to die for. (Those were my hoity-toity italics.)

I can’t imagine why, but the spaces closest to the sea weren’t crowded, and we had a completely unobstructed view of the fireworks reflected in the ocean as the waves lapped up ten feet away. Well, unobstructed except for the one random drunk guy who staggered down into the water, stared at the show for three minutes, and then wandered off into the night. Otherwise it was sensory perfection adding fireworks to the cool ocean breeze and the smell and sound of the sea. The taste of pink lemonade did all right, but next time I’m bringing Kit-Kats.

Weird-Ass Picture Book AwardToday I’m back, but due at work in an hour. Nothing like cutting it close. I’ve checked my email, checked eBay (“Prada handbags” is my new favorite search — curse you, Sex and the City movie), and checked my stats — and hold on! I’ve wondered before what might get picked up first by folks outside the kidlitosphere — Bloggers Against Celebrity Authors (BACA) or the Weird-Ass Picture Book Awards (WAPB). Apparently, the winner is... the Weird-Ass Picture Book Awards, which were picked up by Metafilter. How about that? I’m touched — and honored.

I only have some concern that readers there may not have surmised that my awards can be a compliment — and I would comment as such, but new membership costs five dollars. I don’t know. Give my five dollars to make sure my awards are well understood more than halfway through the day of the posting or donate to Obama’s campaign by the end of July, and possibly win tickets to the see Barack accept the party nomination? Decisions, decisions.

Ah, who am I kidding? We all know I’m going to spend the five bucks on two chalupas and a Diet Pepsi at Taco Bell.
Category: 6 comments


Anonymous said...

Hey there...usually the Metafilter moderators will waive the joining fee for someone whose work appears on the front page. I posted a quote from you in the thread there.

DU said...

I don't know about everyone else, but *I* understood it could be complimentary. In fact, I had to read more than a few of your reviews before I realized it could be negative.

I also subscribed to your feed, because I'm always looking for more bedtime kids' books.

MotherReader said...

Stewriffic, thanks for solving my dilemma. Taco Bell, here I come...

Du, thanks for the vote of confidence! I've made The Thursday Three my picture book day with a steady supply of good bedtime books.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great time with a Weird Ass Drunk thrown in for good (?) measure. Glad you got away!

Little Willow said...

I learned that Lauren Conrad got a three-book deal and thought of your BACA posts.

Anonymous said...

Hey I have a new one to submit-Timbuktu. It's a picture book about a dog getting neutered and missing his "familiars"!