Thanks to everyone who submitted
booktalking suggestions the other day. I only used one recommendation this time but that doesn’t mean that the others weren’t valuable. They just didn’t meet one of my four criteria:
- I’ve read it.
- I liked it.
- We have it in the library.
- The hook inspires me.
Some of the titles I’ll be looking into for next time, and I do think that there will be a next time after today. Last time I recorded the booktalks, I felt awful about them, but I’m feeling pretty good about today’s taping. It’s still not Me In Person good, but it’s definitely getting better. Here’s my total list so far:
- Black Duck, by Janet Taylor Lisle
- An Inconvenient Truth, by Al Gore
- Tracking Trash, by Loree Griffin
- Yellow Star, by Jennifer Roy
- Happy Kid! by Gail Gauthier
- The Book of One Hundred Truths, by Julie Shumacher
- Into the Wild, by Sarah Beth Durst
- Blue Lipstick, by John Grandits
- Sarah’s Ground, by Ann Rinaldi
- Money Hungry, by Sharon Flake
- The Adoration of Jenna Fox, by Mary Pearson
I wouldn’t have been ready to do
Jenna Fox if
Little Willow hadn’t given me her hook: “Jenna was left comatose after a tragic accident. One year later, she awakens to a life she can’t recall, a body she doesn’t recognize, parents she doesn’t know, and a house she can’t leave.” Total booktalking gold!
I don’t know when these puppies will be posted on YouTube, but I’ll only point you to them if you promise not to judge me for my first attempts. In fact, I’ll put the reminder in rhyme form, in tribute to Poetry Friday, hosted at
A Year of Reading:
Dressed in black,
Cut me some slack.
Dressed in blue,
Okay to view.
This is incredible work. Thanks for doing it!
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