Hello, fellow Bloggiesters! For my
Bloggiesta mini-challenge, join
Comment Challenge 2010, leave your first ten comments on blogs
new to you, and comment here to say that’s you’ve completed those two tasks to enter for Bloggiesta prizes. Of course, I hope you’ll keep commenting for twenty-one days.
So that I don’t clutter my page with a separate update, this post is also my own beginning Bloggiesta post, starting at 11:00 a.m. EST and hoping to get some great blogging housekeeping done. (As opposed to my actual housekeeping, which is shameful.)
I'm done! Yay! I can't believe I actually was able to but it worked out well in cleaning up my Google Reader. There were tons of sites I'd never even commented on and found I really liked. Thanks for the challenge, I plan on keeping it up all the way through!
Finished my first 10 comments! Really like this idea and will try my best to make it to the end of this challenge.
Okay, I knew it would happen. I got carried away and did fifteen instead of 10. It was so much fun and I've started cleaning out my feed reader. Glad to be a part of this.
Thanks for putting this together! I've commented on 10 blogs I'd never commented on before and discovered a lot of new blogs already. Great idea!
Finished my first 10 comments and hope to keep doing lots more! This is such a wonderful idea!
If this blog counts, then I've got my 10! :-)
Done! Great way to discover new blogs! Thanks for hosting the mini-challenge. I will keep going until the 28th.
Colleen (Books in the City)
I am trying to participate - I want to participate - I am intimidated. And now I think I have even signed in wrong and done so twice so as to make my ineptitude even more visible.
But I have visited some great sites, so I will blog on!
Ok, at first I thought this was be as easy as pie. But it IS a little more difficult than I thought. Still, I did it! And I enjoyed discovering who else is blogging about books. Great idea!
Got it! I left 10 comments on blogs that I hadn't visited before. Had to add a couple of them to me RSS feed too. This is fun!
I commented on 10 new to me blogs early this morning. I even added a new one to my feed reader. I hope I can keep this up and cease being a lurker.
Finished my 10 comments - loved finding new bibliophiles to bond with!
Up to 13! It's so much fun visiting new blogs - thanks for the challenge!
I've done my first ten comments, only 90 more to go.
I've found some very neat blogs.
Thanks for a great challenge!
I did it and boy did I find a lot of fun new blogs! My reader is now overflowing (again), but I hope to keep commenting throughout this month.
I just hit ten comments! It's been fun and exciting but also kind of hard. I hope it gets a bit easier by the end of three weeks!
I've left my ten comments. Thanks for the motivation.
Finished my first 10 comments and looking forward to commenting a lot more tomorrow. I've discovered a lot of awesome blogs I never even knew existed, so it's already been a success for me.
I'll all done -- with eight new blogs added to the feed reader to boot!
Going to try my best to stick with the challenge after Bloggiesta. I want to form this good habit!
I did this as a mini-challenge last night, but I'll do another 10 just for good measure ;-)
Done! Thanks for the encouragement.
And thanks a lot for making my reader even more overwhelming -- I need time to read books too! Darned do-gooders. And all those blogs gave me even more books to read, never mind that it's Cybil's time.
I'll just tell my kids to make dinners and run the house for a few weeks... I'm sure they won't mind.
I finished my first 10 comments. It was fun and I ended up following a few new blogs. Thanks for hosting this challenge!
I did it. I'm a little surprised at myself, but I ended up being on a roll.
Finished my first 10 comments. My hugest problem is I'm a big lurker, so one of my goals is to comment more
I commented on 14 blogs Friday alone that I'd never been to. I will be trying my best to continue till Jan. 28. It's a good thing there are so many book blogs out there.
Just here to say I'm doing blog clean up AND house clean up! It's all about the multi-tasking, haha.
I joined the Comment Challenge but suspect I won't get much commenting in until mid-week :) I'm excited to find some great new blogs!
I finished my ten comments. Thanks so much for hosting this mini-challenge!
I enjoyed leaving the 10 comments, but now I have about 20 new books I want to read...
Left my first 10 comments (well, 11) and hoping to get more in tonight... and that this turns into a habit if I keep it up for the whole month of January. Plus, it's been nice to get some comments on my first Bloggiesta post that I just know were motivated by this challenge.
I finished my first ten comments...lol finding ten NEW to me blogs was a bit tricky though (I had close to 900 on my blog reader...though I cleaned that up to only 400 or so) so I commented on blogs I haven't been to in a while, does that still count?
I finished my first ten comments and signed up for the Comment Challenge! Thank you for hosting!
I finished my 10 blogs yesterday, but did not see this post - I was too busy working on my site. I am up to 17 comments now. I am having way too much fun with all of this.
I did the ten comments. This is fun! In fact, I found that finding new blogs and commenting was a *perfect* way to distract myself after getting an e-mail from my husband about divorce negotiations! Enough said! I'm glad you did the mini-challenge, because I would have just gone to my old favorites. Thanks!
No idea if you've already done the giveaway, but I didn't realize we were supposed to post here also. My first 10 posts have been done since sometime yesterday.
I am signing in late and will have to catch up on some posts. Hmm....I've commented on more than 5 today, so I'm not in horrible shape. ;)
I'm enjoying doing five a day. At first I thought it would get overwhelming but after the first ten, I was on a role
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