When you start your time, sign in with Mr. Linky here. Keep track of your time — which includes reading, blogging, and some connecting (for every five hours reading/reviewing you can take one hour of blog reading, tweeting, and general bookish socializing). To keep the Starting Line post at the top of my blog, I won’t start my personal posts until sometime Saturday morning.
On Sunday, I’ll have a Finish Line post where you can leave the link to your final summary page, which should include the amount of time spent on the challenge. With everything going on, I didn’t have a chance to post the prizes. Sorry about that. I can tell you that I have a lot of books, and I will certainly indulge the winners with a collection of signed books, ARCs, jewelry, and general fun stuff.
Have fun, read well.
Here's goes nothing! All the best to everyone! :)
Happy reading, everybody.
I'm not quite ready to start yet (will be checking in with Mr. Linky after work, probably about 7pm), but I just wanted to say happy reading! And go, go, go!!!
Can't leave my blog address because I'm at school and we're blocked. But I am starting at 7:45 and am looking forward to getting started
Read books, have fun! It will be a great weekend.
Sorry about the double linking. I'm not sure what happened. :( Is there a way to delete it?
must read faster
Book Lady, I took care of the double links. No worries.
Thank you! Now back to the books! :)
happy reading everyone!
Yay! Starting now!
Good luck everyone! I will be starting tonight :)
Starting now!!!! May this be quite an experience.
Ready to go! Have fun everyone!
Starting at 9. Good luck everyone.
I'm hoping it's okay that I post my link before I start! My husband will have the computer all day. Let me know if it is a problem.
I never manage to do all that well, but I'm trying again. Starting now!
I've got my pile of books and I'm ready to go. I do have to take a break to see the local high school musical tonight....
Here we go! I'm doing a charity this year - every discussion related comment with earn a dollar for the local Friends of the Library.
Happy reading everyone!
starting at 12:30.....so excited!!
Good luck, everyone!
Best of luck to everyone — I won't be participating (even though my new glasses make reading a lot easier), but I'll be living vicariously through MR as I take care of the kids (or at least keep their cages clean).
Good Luck everyone! I'm just starting at 1pm. Catching up on my YA reading.
Happy Reading!
Wooo! Reading!
I'm a little late linking to my starting post, and you caught it anyway. But I thought I'd make it "official". I'm excited!
Thanks Pam!
Off to a rough start, but I hope to get some reading in. It will be a welcome break from packing up the library for renovation! Starting about 6:00 p.m. Friday.
I won't be able to participate this year after all, but I'm cheering all of you on! I posted a reminder here: http://blog1.wandsandworlds.com/2010/06/48-hour-book-challenge-starts-today.html
The reading gods are aligned. The library's network is a disaster today... Not a lot of work to do. My supervisor said I should just read! (I'm listening to The Red Pyramid now and will read after I'm off desk.) Hooray!
I'm out this year. But I'll be thinking about you all. Happy reading!! And blogging!! And connecting!! Hopefully I'll be able to throw my hat in the ring again next year (though I think my days of the 20+ hour club are on hold for a while).
Again I am not really prepared, but just sort of doing this unofficially. ;D I went ahead and signed up though. Peer pressure. lol
Have left you a personal message regarding prizes, sorry I am behind in notification.
Am planning to give to your selected school in honor of you and all 48 Hour Challenge folks; it keeps giving me error signal but I am sure I will get it to work during weekend.
Happy Reading!
Not sure how much I can get done, but I am going to try!
awesome idea!
I'm off! Hope I can stay awake long enough to make even half a book tonight...
My 11-year-old daughter and I are both starting the challenge!
Let's read! Bring on the Books!
Alright...here goes this first timer! Happy Reading everyone!
Ordered sushi, downloading audio book, and planning to start at 9pm Friday after a short nap.
I'm glad I get to participate this year, even if all I have to read are stupid grown-up books... :-)
Sorry, I'm not really trying to enter twice--I realized I didn't link to the right blog post. I think we were supposed to link to the first 48 hour book challenge post (I didn't know how to change my original entry so I added another one--sorry I'm new to blogging!)
I've never read this much all at once in my life - so here goes! Thanks for keeping this going for 5 years in a row! It's an awesome challenge!
I'm here! Good luck everyone, read like a champion!
Darn, I forgot to leave a comment. After I signed in I realized I needed to make coffee and raced to the coffee pot to get some made... Well, here's my comment anyway. I started right after my post on my blog, at 8:15 a.m.
urgh, i just gave you the main link to my blog instead of the specific post where I started the challenge. That one's here, if you need it: http://tortoiselessons.blogspot.com/2010/06/48-hr-book-challenge.html
Started about 8:30 tonight with an ARC of a book called The Magnificent 12: The Call. Looking for some breaks tomorrow for breakfast with the Central Ohio Bloggers and some grad parties, but hope to get lots of reading in.
Happy to be participating again this year! Happy Reading All.
I started at 8 pm tonight too! That's so exciting! :D I better go and read some more so I can come back and blog/tweet a little!
My afternoon went well and I'm now heading into evening~!
Getting a later start than I wanted but good luck to everyone.
Starting now :)
Happy Reading!!!!!
As usually, many things have come up but will see how much I can accomplish. It will be a challenge! Hooray!
I tried to get all my weekend errands done ahead of time, so I'm not starting until 11:30 pm. Now I can tell everyone not to bother me -- I NEED to read!
I started at 7 pm, a few hours ahead of schedule. I was sitting at the kid's choir rehearsal reading my book, when I realized that it was silly to spend the two hours before starting my challenge reading...
Started late, but started! http://leeswammes.wordpress.com/2010/06/05/48-hour-book-challenge/
Almost forgot, but I'm in!
Starting now. Got a book bag full, new cloth for the reading glasses, and a truly MANLY MAN attitude! Have fun, everyone.
crazy weekend. but i'm in!!
This is my first time doing this challenge. Looking forward to it!
Yeah my first reading contest! I'm excited! Lots of good books to get through!
Reading as much as possible. Finished The Knife of Letting Go. Started The Liberation of Gabriel King.
I started this morning at 9 AM - http://literatelives.blogspot.com/2010/06/starting-48-hour-book-challenge.html0
I am starting with As Easy as Falling Off the Face of the Earth.
Check in with everyone later.
Can't wait to grab a cup and catch up with all the great stuff you're reading... Happy reading everyone.
Woohoo, you hit over 100 participants! Excellent.
This was fun, thank you for putting it out there. I hope I signed up correctly, Natalie usually does that part of the blog for me, LOL!
Kelli Nash
(I'd So Rather Be Reading)
This was fun! My first Challenge.So sorry to comment so late in the morning--this was a long post.
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