105 Ways to Give a Book

Our Movie ROCKS!

All Roads Lead AwayThe Best of the 48 Hour Film Project has been announced, and our movie, “All Roads Lead Away,” is among the finalists. We’ve known for a few days because they wanted to get the films in high definition (assuming they were shot that way). That means that we know — shhhh! — that we were actually among the top fourteen films selected.

Our movie will screen in the second group at the AFI Silver Theatre in Silver Spring. Tickets are available now, and will sell out. But if you’re nowhere near the DC area and are curious about the films in competition, Bill has found the films that are now viewable online. Watching even a few offers a real education about how hard it is to write, film, edit, and score a movie in two days. Check the list of finalists — with links to the films — at the Tohubohu Productions news blog. And if you haven’t watched “All Roads Lead Away” yet, written by Young Adult author Barry Lyga, well what are you waiting for? Go.


Mary Lee said...

CONGRATS on the top 14!! Fingers are crossed for the Number One!

heather (errantdreams) said...


Can't wait to hear how you do in the final round!

heather (errantdreams) said...

Oh, by the way... I hope you'll consider joining in on the errant dreams author meme. :)

Little Willow said...

Congratulations! WOOOOO!

Vivian Mahoney said...

Congrats! I really liked the movie and I'm very happy for you!

Unknown said...

Awesome! I'm chiming in a little late here, but congratulations!